Chapter 3 | Type Of Way

Start from the beginning


Then "Smart Phones " came on by my MF husband Trey Songz . (I love this song , lol)

Before I knew it I dozed off ...


"Lyric c'mon ma , we needa go before we miss the flight" I said rushing her out the door . I knew this was gonna happen . She takes forever . And we gotta be there in twenty minutes .

I walked upstairs to her room to see what was taking her so long . I saw her stuffing all this unnecessary stuff in her suitcase which consisted of ,



More barbies

And more barbies .

"Lyric , let's go" I said taking her suitcase , zipped it up and ran downstairs with it , she grabbed her iPad mini , her charger, and ran downstairs right behind me .

We made it in time THANK GOD . I was going to sit with Shannon but then Lyric started crying saying she wanted me come sit with her , so I did .

We stayed at The W , and I made sure my room had two beds cause I was not gonna share another bed with Lyric after that one night . She kept farting and farting . Then I constantly had to get up and spray the bed . Then I was just like "fυ¢к ιt" I went in one out of the 12 bedrooms I had in my house . And it was much better . Then she came crying looking for me -_- .... And I had to repeat the same thing .

Once we got in the room , Lyric played with her dolls , and I went to take a nap before tonight's big game against the Knicks .


I felt someone keep tapping me on my shoulder . I was getting annoyed

"WHAT' I yelled at Zamiyah

"Get your ass up , before I leave you , and yell at me again like that and it's gon be me and you" she said grabbing her phone and iPad .

"Shut up" I said mugging her and grabbing my bags . We arrived at LaGuardia Airport . I guess Nia had called an Uber already because there was already a car waiting for us . All three of us got in the all black 2014 Mercedes-Benz CLS-Class Luxury vehicle and headed to The W .

I absolutely love The W . It's beautiful . And the best thing about it is that it's basically right in Times Square . You come out turn to the right , and right there is Times Square . Every time I come to New York , this where I stay . Basically everyone knows me at this hotel cause I've came here so much .

Once we got out the car , The Bigheaded Bitches (The B.B's or Pigs) started taking pictures of me . And asking me the same dumbass questions .

"Are you going to be at the game tonite ?"

"Is this your girlfriend?"

"Are you secretly dating "

"Are you lesbian "

I was getting pissed that they see me and start asking me all these questions do I like girls or am I gay .. Like NO BOO ! I'm STRAIGHT ------------------------------------------------- 👈 like that ;)

I rolled my eyes , and kept walking .

We went inside to check in "Hey Simon , Hey Samantha " I said to both of the people that I remembered from the last time I came . They real cool for some white people . And they hard to forget , they were crazy as hell .

"Well if it isn't Ms.Anayla , how are you ? " He asked , yes he is gay

"I'm great , and yourself ?" I asked removing my shades and putting them on top of my head .

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