Chapter 6: Surprises

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Ash, pikachu and fennekin stood in the doorway with a shocked expression on each one of their faces.

In the room there was decorations everywhere, the tree was up but not decorated yet and there was a table full of food in the back making Ash and pikachu drool.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone except the trio yelled

"Wow guys, this is so awesome but why did you do this?" questioned Ash

"Well we felt really really bad about what we had done so we set this up for you guys as an apology" Serena explained

"But you guys didn't have to do this you know we wouldve been fine, right guys?" Ash asked pikachu

Pikachu nodded in agreement but fennekin kept quite since she knew that this was their business.

"But we wanted to as an apology for how we treated you" Clemont said

Ash smiled "thank you guys, your the best" he said as tears began to make their way up but he kept them in.

Ash looked down at fennekin, who was snuggled up in his arms "Well fennekin, I guess your going to enjoy your first ever christmas with us"

Fennekin smiled" fennekin kin kin fennekin (I'm so excited! But if your going to put me down, can you make sure that pikachu is with me so I accidentally burn somebody if they touch me?)"

Ash chuckled "Sure, Pi stay by fennekin and make sure no one touches her"

"Pika pi pikachu (you got it Ash, c'mon fennekin)

Fennekin and pikachu ran off to the christmas tree. Bonnie and Clemont decided that they would talk to Grace and Mayer which left Ash and Serena near the door.

"Look Ash/Serena" they said at the same time

"No, you go first" they still said at the same time and giggled

"You first Serena" Ash said

"Well, I just wanted to say that... I'm so so sorry Ash, I should've been there for you and support you like I always do but I didn't. Instead, I took part of it and I'm so deeply sorry" Serena explained and lowered her her

Ash smiled and used his hanf to gently lift Serena's head so she was looking directly in his eyes.

"I told you, I forgive you all. I couldn't stay mad at you guys forever and you should especially know that. I don't hold grudges on my friends so there's no need to apologize" Ash said

Serena looked at Ash for a moment before hugging him and cried "Thank you for being the Ash I love" but quickly regretted it and pulled away when she realized what she said.

Ash stared at her in shock and lowered his head so it was covering his eyes. Serena got worried and tried to explain.

"Ash, I-I didn't mean that, it just-mmph!" Serena was interrupted when Ash swiftly pulled his hat off, put it infront of their faces and kissed her on the lips.

Serena thought she was about to faint from the sweet lips that were connected to her's. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the kiss until Ash pulled away.

"I love you too Serena and I always have and always will" Ash smiled softly

Serena had tears running down her eye's in happiness and pulled Ash into another passionate kiss.

Ash dropped his hat and wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her deeply. Serena wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back.

The two didn't realise that the everyone was staring at them and heard their whole conversation.

"AWWWWWWW" Everyone but Ash snd Serena said

Ash and Serena jumped back and looked at everyone with a big blush on their face.

"Awww! You guys were so aforable!" Bonnie squealed

"Well-umm- thanks" Ash stuttered

"Well what are you waiting for Ash, open you gifts!" Bonnie exclaimed

"Wait what? I have gifts?" questioned Ash

"Well duh silly, we felt bad we opened our gifts without you so we let you open your gifts now" said Serena

"Well, um ok. I have gifts for you all to" Ash said and got out a bag under his bed.

He gave each person their gifts and told them that they can all open them but they decided to wait until after Ash opened his first so he went with it.

He sat down on one of the beds and Bonnie and Clemont walked up to him with gifts in their hands while Serena sat next to him with a gift in her hand.

"Here Ash, open mine first" sugessted Bonnie

"Oh, ok"

Bonnie handed Ash a small gift. He unwrapped the gift and it was a small blacl box. He open it and it was a charm braclet with alot of charms on it.

"Thanks Bonnie, this is cute" Ash said and hugged Bonnie

"Your welcome Ash" Bonnie smiled as Ash put his charm braclet on

"Me next Ash" Clemont said and handed Ash a big box

Ash unwrapped the box and inside the big wrapped box was a master ball, a dive ball and a heal ball.

"Wow Clemont, this is awesome! Thanks so much" Ash said and hugged Clemont

"No problem Ash" Clemont smiled

"Here you go Ash" Serena said and gave Ash her gift

Ash took her gift and unwrapped it. It was a small box like Bonnie's. Inside was a silver watch with a beautiful design on it.

Ash didn't say anything, he just stared at the gift with his eyes glisten with tears of joy.

"Guys, can I speak to Serena alone for a bit" Ash asked and tried to hold his tears in

"Yeah, sure Ash. C'mon you three, lets give these lovebirds some private time" Grace said and dragged the three out leaving Ash and Serena on the bed alone.

He clunged himself on Serena and cried on her shoulder. Serena was shocked but hugged him back tightly.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I love you so much" Ash whipered

"I love you too Ash, and your very welcome" Serena replied

Ash kissed Serena deeply and they held each other into the night. Ash learned that this christmas, he wasn't alone, he had his family and his new girlfriend.

The End

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