The Meeting.

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I walk in through my school's doors and am faced by the hell I am living. I'm Vinerous Stormborn and this is my story. As I was saying  have to come back here because if I don't then I won't get a education and qualify in the modern world. We need to have a deep understanding of what is needed in order to get a job in this new world. It's nothing like the old times the humans think supernatural beings are just a myth well they are sadly mistaken. We have been around for many centuries an there was a time when humans feared us. There was a time where we ruled the world but than a human figured how to kill a vampire and thought the humans to fight which lead to great war and I was one of the few original vampires at survived that war and warned all vampires around the world to go into hiding. Now I'm here to train the vampires of this school and to get a 'morden' day degree to fit in so humans don't get suspicious.

I walk to my training class because I have to train the students before I can start with my usual schedule of school for I don't even know how many times in my life. I have been alive for a very long time and since I was created at 18 I look 18 and that will bring suspicious people trying to figure out why I don't go to school so for about 2000 years I have been going to school each year. I get to my classes and see all the students lined up already with someone instructing them. Who is this? I walk up behind him and all the students eyes widen when they see me. I am called the worror vampire I am the best at fighting and I have never lost a battle.
After I taped his shoulder he turned around to look at me.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm the extra instructed this year." he said with confidence.

"And may ask who are you?" he asked. All the children gasped. I'm not surprised he doesn't know me is obviously from one of the European countries. Thy don't really know mw because I was erased from history there because that was my home town.

"I'm Vinerous Stormborn  I'm the worror vampire and welcome. We will be working on reflexes today me and the instructor will demonstrate and you will copy." I announced. I looked around and hey all nodded their heads.

"GOOD!" I shouted.

"First we will be doing punch deflect." I said. I got into position and reached out my arm moving my fingers to say he must come for me. He through a few punches and I deflected them all with one hand behind my back and staring at him looking bored.

"See what I did there you are going to practice that until you block every push. Everybody pair up in groups of 2 and start" I ordered they did as followed.

"You can't just do that. What you did is way to advancedfor them." The new guy said.

"That's why they are practicing it so they can learn if you don't like my method then you are than welcome     to leave and go back to Europe." I said sternly.

"How did you know I came from Europe?" he asked.

"Olny Europeans don't know about me and plus you have the European clan mark on your pelvic area." I stated.

"How did you know about that I'm covered up in clothing" he sated but also asked.

"Honey I'm an original I can sense the marks because I was the one who created them.

I know it's short but I just wanted o give you guys a preview so you can let me know if I should carry on.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2018 ⏰

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