Chapter 3: Meeting The Friends and Makeover

Start from the beginning

He motioned me to turn and I did. He shook his head in disgust. "Eww no. The Khaki Chinos are fine but the rest no. Liam's style doesn't suit you. We know not to get you converse or plaid shirts. Now lets go." He grabbed my arm pushing me out of the room, into the hallway, and out the main door. We took the elevator down just to see Louis laughing as Niall sat on top of him tickling him. Harry chuckled as he walked over to them picking Niall and setting him down on the chair. He gabbed Louis by the waist and made him stand up. "We have an emergency." Louis and Niall suddenly calmed down. "A fashion emergency." their eyes turned to me. Niall fake gasped and Louis pretended to faint. Talk about rude and funny at the same time. Harry motioned me to get closer and I walked over to them. "We need to make him hot. No sexy. Make Liam want him. And by that you know what I mean." I didn't know what he meant.

"Wait what did you just say?" he said something about Liam. "We need to make you hot so you can have Liam begging for you. You didn't think I saw you making googly eyes at him. Please you want him just like Bella wants to be a vampire. Yeah I used Twilight as an example." I laughed. "Begging for me? Please he's engaged. And straight." Harry smirked and winked. "Not by the time we are done with you" They walked out of the building with me following close behind. Louis took out a pair of keys and pressed the open button. Woah a Lamborghini turned on. "Is that his car?" I asked Niall. "Yup. Liam's 21st birthday present for Louis. Harry has a Buggatti and I have a yellow Camaro." These people sure live the life. I looked at Harry and Louis. Louis had his arms around Harry's waist and Harry had an arm draped over Louis shoulder. "Are they dating?" Niall nodded. "For the past 2 years." Well they seemed really close. We got inside the car. Me and Niall in the back and Harry and Louis in the front and drove to the nearest mall.

We all piled out and went inside the mall. We went into tons of stores but none seemed to have something that will 'fit my style' as Louis said. But Louis eyes shined when we stopped outside a store called TOPMAN. They all grabbed me and pushed me inside handing me tons of clothes articles. They pushed me into the nearest dressing room and told me to change. After all the shit they made me try on. Yeah I was cursing but really did I really need to find my style? Why couldn't I just get a shirt and a pair of trousers. They ended up buying me a few pairs of Chinos and a few plain t-shirts. Louis rubbed his chin as if he was thinking. "Other than shoes and hair, hes missing that special touch." A special touch. What does that even mean? "Aha! Louis exclaimed and pointed at a store with Varsity Jackets. I've always wanted those. "That's what he is missing come on." I have to agree. Thank You Louis. That is the best selection you have made all day.

We got red, blue, and gray one since they were expensive. Then we walked over to Foot Locker where I got four pairs of Nike's since they made me look 'hot' as Niall would say. Then after we bought everything including a new cologne and toiletries we drove to where Harry gets his hair done. "Yo Josh!" A boy looked over at Harry and waved. He walked over to us greeting us. "Josh we have a big task for you." Josh nodded. "We need you to make our dear friend!" Josh raised an eyebrow. "And who are you trying to impress?" I opened my mouth but shut it after Niall spoke up for me. "Liam." Josh smirked, an evil smirk and motioned for me to follow him to the back. He put the cape thing around me. "Close your eyes" I did and I felt the scissors cutting through my hair.

An hour, two sodas, and a lot of hair cut after, Josh finished. "Alright Zayn open your eyes." I opened my eyes and gasped. Woah I didn't even recognize myself. My black hair was shinny and styled up in a quiff. My face was clean, not a hint of facial hair in sight. My sidelines were perfect. Not to be coincided or anything but I did look hot. "Wow Josh Thanks!" he nodded. "If this doesn't have Liam mesmerized by you, then I don't know what." He put a bag over my hair. "What is this?" he tied it behind the back. "The lads didn't want to see you and its raining. Cant ruin my master piece can we?" we walked out front and the lads smiled. "Wow. Your face is pretty." Niall said. "Why? Thank you" he smiled as we made our way out.

"So we will be back in an hour. We are having dinner at an Italian buffet. You know to celebrate your new life, look and to get to know each other alright!?" Louis called out the window as they dropped me off. "Alright!" I walked inside the building and into an elevator. I opened the door using Niall's spar keys. The house was silent just like how we left it. I put all of my stuff down and put it all away neatly. I took my clothes and walked over to the bathroom. I left the bag over my head so it wouldn't ruin my hair. After I was done I put on my new khaki Chinos, white plain t-shirt, blue Varsity jacket, and my white high top Nike's. I sprayed some cologne and looked at myself in the mirror. I look smocking hot. The phone rang and I went over to get it. What if it was something important? Liam did say his house was my house so he wouldn't mind if I answered the phone. "Hello?" It was Louis. "Hey Louis" Louis laughed. "Hi were outside already come on we wanna see our master piece." Its been an hour already? "Alright I will be down in a second." I hanged up and saw a sleepy Danielle behind me. "Who ar- Zayn?" I nodded. "Wow you look different." I smiled. "The lads helped me. But I got to go they are waiting for me downstairs." She nodded "Alright." I walked out and down to the lobby.

I could already see Louis car threw the clear glass doors. They were all outside leaning on the car. Niall had Khaki Chinos like mine with white Supras, which is a brand of sneakers, and a red polo. Louis had red Chinos with a stripped shirt and TOMS, which look like flats, and Harry was Khaki Chinos with a white plain t-shirt, white converse and a blue blazer. All eyes turned to me as I opened the door. Harry smirked as Louis mouth dropped open and Niall's eyes looked like they were ready to bulge out of their sockets. "Wooww...."Niall said. Louis nodded. "You look hot!" Louis said. Harry smiled. "I have to agree. We did a good job!" I chuckled. "Well what are we waiting for? Lets go eat!" Nial said.

We parked outside an Italian buffet and got out together. The waitress gave us a table. Niall pulled out his phone and smirked. "Liam's on his way." I felt the tip of my ears go red. I walked over to the pasta section and started to load my plate. What if he thought I was uglier than usual?But I mean the lads all did a good job. Not even Danielle could believe it. What if it didn't make him like me? But maybe it will. Wh- I got snapped out of my mental battle when someone behind me spoke. I knew that voice. "Excuse me mate." I turned around and Liam gasped as his eyes grew big. "Zayn?" he asked. I smirked.

"Hello Liam."


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