"First, I arrive back in town to hand these to you-" she throws a yellow folder on the bed.

"Only to find out that my soon-to-be ex-husband was shot and that I should come see how you're doing, but it seems like you and Mya are doing pretty well."

Cameron moves his arm from around my waist to open the folder on the bed. We both look at the divorce papers already signed by Susan.

"And Mya, how could you do something like this? I took you into my home and I've been nothing but nice to you and you repay me by sleeping with my husband?"

"She-" Cameron begins to speak for me but I cut him off.

"Susan, you're right, you have been nothing but nice to me. However, in my defense, you only saw Cameron and I kissing. You don't know the extent of this relationship so I'm confused as to how you're so sure we have a sexual relationship."

She stares at me for a moment and I stare back, not backing down. She then looks at Cameron with so much disgust.

"Sign the papers Cameron." She says.

"Where's my daughter?" He asks.

"Sign the damn papers Cameron!" She raises her voice this time as the frustration shows in her eyes in the form of tears.

"Not until I see my daughter! You take her from me for over a month and now you want to make demands?"

"Dammit Cameron! You always have to complicate things. Taylor is safely in the car with my sister."

"So go get her." Cameron says while casually looking over the papers.

Susan wipes her eyes before leaving the room.

"Wow Cameron. What just happened?" I ask in shock.

The whole brave facade comes off and I begin to feel bad.

"I really don't know Mya, but she was destined to find out about us. Even with the divorce, we still have to raise Taylor and be in her life for the rest of her life. I plan on keeping you around for a while."

"I plan on sticking around for a while."

"I promise to make our vacation up to you, I'm sure you would've liked where we were going."

"Don't worry about our vacation, I'm just happy that you're alive and well. But, since we're not going on that trip, can you finally tell me where you were taking me?"

"Nope. We'll eventually go when my wound heals and I don't want to spoil it for you."

"Fine Cameron, have it your way."

"I always do at Burger King."

"You're so corny."

The door opens again and Taylor runs up to me.

"Mya! I missed you!"

"I've missed you too kiddo."

I bend down to hug her.

"Daddy, what happened?" Taylor walks by the side of his bed.

Susan is standing by the door and a woman who I assume to be Susan's sister is standing outside with an annoyed look.

"I'll be fine princess. Daddy missed you so much."

"I missed you too. I want you to come home with me and mommy."

"Princess, I'll be home when I'm much better okay?"

"Okay daddy. Is Mya still staying with us too?"

I watch Cameron look at me and I look at him.

"Of course she is, Mya is still your babysitter."

"Yay. Mya I can't wait for us to play with my new dolls."

"Neither can I." I say.

It hurts me that she is oblivious to what's going on. She wants everything to go back to how it was.

The mind of a child is so innocent and pure. She has no idea that the perfect family she wants or used to have, no longer exists.

Cameron may tell me it's not my fault, but I can't help but feel like it is. I knew what I was getting in to. The plan wasn't to fall in love, but I did.

The thought of everything makes my heart feel so heavy. It's all so overwhelming.

I walk out of the hospital room and I head to the bathroom. I look in the mirror before I start crying.

I love him so much, but I feel so bad. Taylor needs her parents together and with me in the picture, I'll mess that up.

Maybe I should just, resign.

If I resign right now while Cameron is hurt, because of me, I would feel so bad.

After he heals, I'll resign and break this thing off with him. It's going to be hard putting my heart on the backburner, but it's for Taylor.

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