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"Johnathon! What is taking you so long! Do you want to be disciplined when you come out!"

That same monster voice hit me hard, but it didn't matter, I was so close to escaping this world, this hell filled with eternal darkness. 


By now the monster was trying to break through the door. I was so close! Just a little bit more! The thumping was slowing down, it became a distant noise. My vision started to fade away. Just before my vision faded I saw that the door had fallen and the monster running towards me, but it cannot leave marks on me anymore, I am entering paradise! As the last of my thoughts and feelings faded away I felt ecstasy, all my pain, worries,  simply vanished. I felt that I was ascending into heaven, it just felt so great, so unreal, for the first time I felt alive, joy, more then I have ever felt, but this dream could only last so long before I was pulled back from heaven to this hell. 

I woke up feeling extremely weak. It felt like a truck was on top of me, even lifting an eyelid was hard, I only barely managed to. Upon opening my eyes, I saw a sight I hadn't seen before, one of the monsters were crying. Sure, the monsters were always angry but I have never seen one cry. I noticed something, the tears, they were dissipating the darkness, I could see something underneath, it was, a face, it wasn't the same monster that had been haunting me for all these years, it was a sad, middle-aged woman sobbing uncontrollably, I could hear her mutter words that I could not currently hear. Next to her was the other monster, the one that left most marks on me, even with my weak vision I could see him too, have tears built in his eyes. They weren't the dark, void eyes that I was so used to seeing, they were filled with tears, showing beautiful dark brown eyes under. The tears were doing the same as what it did to the other monster, it was dissipating the darkness surrounding the monster, showing a middle-aged man. They soon realized that I was somewhat awake, the middle-aged man darted outside the room calling for someone, the middle-aged woman just ran up to me and cried beside my bed, I could hear her words clearly now.

"Sorry Johnathon, I'm so sorry, it's all our fault, we shouldn't have done what we have, forgive us."

She just repeatedly mumbled those words, while sobbing uncontrollably. This woman felt so unfamiliar, but my eyes were starting to tear up, why was I getting sad? Is it because I don't want to see her sad? It can't be, this was one of the monsters that haunted me in all my nightmares, every single second of my life, I resented her, yet I can't bear to see her cry. I tried putting my hands over her head, it took all my strength like the eyelids, but I managed to do it once again. She looked up, her eyes were blood red from crying so much, she took my hands and wrapped it inside hers, what was this feeling? It felt so warm, so soft, just then the middle-aged man burst into the room with unfamiliar faces coming in behind him, they were all wearing white coats. I guess I could explain the next few moments as weird, these things were not covered in darkness or light, they were just I could say blank, neutral, they pressed cold metal things against my empty heart, they pressed an object against my head which then made a beeping sound, this whole experience was just so weird I could not explain it. I noticed while these things were happening that the two monsters were in the corner, looking keenly at me, with worried expressions, as the blank things left the room, they stopped by the two monsters seemingly to tell them something, after that, all the blank things had retreated out of the room. The two monsters came to my side, this time I could view them as two things, I can't tell anymore, 1 moment they are darkness, the other they are just a normal middle-aged woman and man. 

"The doctors said you can leave the hospital in about a week, depending on how your condition turns out throughout this week, Dad and I will stay with you this whole week. Johnathon we are..." the woman fell to her knees starting to sob uncontrollably again, the man knelt down and put a hand on her.

"Johnathon, we are so, so, so sorry for what we did to you, we cannot excuse ourselves for what we did, but we promise you that we will take more time to care about you, we will stop whatever we did from before completely." the man said looking down with shame.

All I could do was lay there and watch them, tears once again built up in my eyes, suddenly I felt really exhausted.

"The doctors gave you a drug that will make you sleep better, we will talk with you again once you wake, right now you need serious rest." said the man, the woman nodded in agreement. 

My eyelids felt even heavier than before, they slowly closed, I muttered something under my breath as I fell asleep.

"Mum, Dad."

The following week went by so fast. The two monsters, their darkness, was now completely gone, I could only see a middle-aged man and woman now. The week was the best week of my life, we cried, we laughed, we did silly things together, we did things that a normal family would do. I felt so, so happy... so full of life, it wasn't like before when it was just for a moment, no, it didn't feel like a dream anymore, this was real, real happiness. That is probably why the week went by so fast, happy things go by fast, is that why my life has felt so long? Felt like I spent an eternity in darkness? 

We left the hospital, I was feeling much better now, the doctors said that I had fully recovered. My first step outside of the hospital, my world wasn't filled with darkness anymore, the sun was out, as if to greet me, I could see colors, green grass, red roses, I could hear the world around me, cars, birds, people shouting happily. I felt alive. There was light in this world. 

I entered the house, it wasn't a place of pure darkness anymore, with mist consuming the inside, no it was clear as day, I could see, couches, a TV, the lights were turned on, everything was neat. 

"Welcome home, Johnathon." said my mum.

My eyes filled with tears, it wasn't the tears that filled my eyes every day after school, it was tears of joy, I'm... Home. 

A few weeks have passed, these days my parents spend so much more time noticing me, caring about me, I feel so happy, so naturally, these weeks went by fast.

"Johnathon." said dad.


"You've been off school for a while now, as much as we love to keep going on you need to go back to school, or else you won't be able to catch up later." said dad, not angry, or in a disciplinary way, but a way of general concern for me.

My joy just sank along with my stomach. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2017 ⏰

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