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As Ed walked in the door and dropped his bag, he looked particularly down and his face seemed a bit red. 

"Teddy, what's wrong??" I said in my most gentle, caring voice.

"Nothing's wrong. I'm fine, Lexi." He said bluntly, although I could see right through him.

"You're not fine! I can see it in your eyes, not to mention the slap marks on your face!! Who did this?" I said, raising my voice at the end of my sentence.

"Cherry." Was the sad reply.

That's it with her. I never trusted her anyway! I grab Ed's phone and punch in the passcode, then go to her messages with Ed. 'Hi Cherry! This is Lexi, Ed's girlfriend." Annnnd, send!

I then added onto the text message, 'Who do you think you are? Sending my Teddy home with scratches and slap marks and bruises??' Send.

Ed's phone lights up and I pick it up to see that Cherry has replied. She says, 'Lexi, honey, sometimes in this world you gotta get with the rich ones. 😉'

Shaking with anger, I drop the phone, fully turn it off and go upstairs to get Teddy and I ready for bed.

 I gently stroke his face and give him a soothing hug. "I know she was your 'friend', but she was using you. For fame, for money. I'm not letting that happen. You're safe now." I say quietly and gently.

**Thank you if you're reading!! You don't know how happy it makes me that you're reading and commenting. Also..... IT'S CHRISTMAS EVE... TOMORROW!!!!!! I'M GONNA EXPLODE WITH EXCITEMENT!! But that's a different matter haha!**

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