It Changes...

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Falling in love. Who asked for it to happen? Why does it happen so much? The questions surround the minds of many but the real question is "Why does it end?" Nobody focuses on why the end becomes an end, but they love to tell themselves it was a waste of time but was it? At the time it was great, your mind was set, you thought about the future, you had dates and made memories that can never be forgotten even if you told yourself too. In the beginning you don't expect an ending or you were never in love

 or you flew out..

He was all I could think about coming to at the end of the day. Not mom, not dad but him. He was a good listener , Or good a faking it while playing the xbox but I know for sure I listened to his, even about other friends..or girls. Was he perfect?Hell no, but was I...For sure a no. But I felt as if we were "Perfect"  for eachother as two different made for only us. I was an Agriculture major, He was a ROTC. They were total opposites but I respected the decisions and culture of that and he tried to respect mine and joined at one point to make me happy. As much as i hate the military and I would not join for anything, I respected what they were for and the fighting they do for our country. Agriculture and animals meant alot to me but he couldve cared less, but did that mean I didnt love him ..nah , i loved him even more for going what he always dreamed .


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