My eyebrows scrunched, and my heart beat was faster than before. The familiar women was in front of me. Even though I met her briefly, she wasn't like her old self. I could tell. Her face was more menacing, than before, and her stance told me she would kill me if she had too. "Victoria?" Her lip curled back and made a hiss. She was after Bella, if I wasn't there she would have killed her, for revenge. I took a step forward. Victoria growled, and ran off. I grumbled underneath my breath. I took off again and chased her. She was quick, and smart, i'll give her that, but I followed her every movement. Copied her, like her own reflection in a mirror. I could tell she was getting peeved off, because I wouldn't let up on her. Before I knew it, I was by the treaty line. I reached out to grabbed her, but she slipped out of my hands and leaped onto the other side. She landed perfectly. She turned around with a triumph smirk. Movement behind her caught my attention. Well i'll be damed! The gift continued on the next generation.

             Smiling I said. "I think your were safer over here." She turned around. Eight wolves walked out, and barred their teeth at her. She hissed back and jumped over them with ease, she disappeared, and so did the wolves. I breathed through my nose. Dang it! I wanted to help, but I can't be by myself, while dealing with Victoria.

            I waited for a couple of minutes, debating on whether or not to scream across the border line and asking if I could go across. I don't mind Werewolves because I am part werewolf. I need to get to Bella. I turned and ran back to her house. We can't leave now, not when Victoria is around, and wants her. I stopped before I broke the tree line. Bella was still in the house, and so was Charlie. The familiar sounds of their voices made me smile. It's been so long! I remember the times when Emmett, would purposely make Bella blush, and then Edward would growl at him. I went around the house and looked up to her window. Hopefully she still kept it open, because then I would have to knock on the door. I'm glad Edward started the tradition, and stalked her while she slept. 

                 I jumped and latched my hands around her tree, which was pretty much an invention, for any supernatural creature. I reached for the window, and luckily it was opened. The breath I was holing no longer existed, when I breathed it out. Pulling myself threw it, the warmth, the smell, the simple things, put me threw the motions. Guilt racked my body , I left, Edward left, we all left. Like Bella didn't matter. I should have stayed behind. Looking around her room, I noticed some things were missing, the things we got her for her birthday. I don't even know how to describe it, but I could she was depressed. As soon as I find Edward, I will gladly pummel him into the ground. I love my brother I really do, but sometimes, I want to take his stupid, dumb, round head, and kick it, like a soccer ball. He doesn't think , he acts. Sniffing around, I noticed a familiar wet dog smell. One of the wolves were here. Considering the fact that i'm half werewolf, the stench wasn't so bad. It was just like a light perfume to me. Charlie was still eating down stairs, both of them started to talk about a young man named Jacob. Hmm, who is Jacob? Was he the wolf? A small object caught my eye, it was a dream catcher. I don't remember that being there. Deciding that this might take a while, I plopped on her bed, and put my hands behind my head. 

         I started to play music in my head and close my eyes. I wonder what Colton's doing right now. Why was he acting so differently? He just seemed off. Bella came up the steps, threw her door open and slammed it shut. Her back was facing me. She looked skinnier, paler, her hair was longer which was good, because I always liked long hair on her. Finally! A familiar face, I missed her so much! In a sisterly way. 

"You know if you want to keep the supernatural away, I would advise you to lock that window." I said. She shrieked and twirled around to flipped the light on. Which blinded me for a moment. "God,  what is with you, and scaring easily." 

"Bella you alright?" Charlie yelled up the stairs. Her eyes were wider than plates. Bella's heartbeat was quickened. Dad always said, never to scare someone, because, One Esme didn't like it, and two if you scare someone, you might give them a heart attack. I rather not kill her. 

"Yeah dad I-I-i'm fine. It was a spider." Bella just stared at me, not blinking which was starting to creep me out. It was like she didn't want to blink, in case I wasn't real. 

"A spider?" I asked. A small smile on my face appeared. "That's like the oldest trick in the book. But good cover up." 

She carefully walked over to me. "Emily? Oh my god! Emily!" She basically ran towards me and rapped her arms around me. "Your real." 

I wrapped my arms her. I blinked. "Why wouldn't I be?" 

She let go of me, and put her hands threw her hair. Tears were starting to weal up in her eyes. Aw i'm flattered she missed me that much. "Because . . it's . . 'it's hard to explain." 

"You know I think it was George Washington who said to 'Close your eyes and pretend that it was all a bad dream, because that's how he got by." 

"He said that?" She still had the tears and held on to me with one hand. 

I though about. I think that's who it was. "Either that or Caption Jack Sparrow. Who happens to be very smart I might add." She looked at me oddly, and to be honest, I didn't know what I was talking about either. I was just trying to get her mind off of, you know who. 

"Is. . . Is he-?" 

I cut her off, before she could finish that sentence, I saw the way she was with me, and she couldn't even say Edwards name. "No, I can't reach any of my family members, to be honest, I don't even know were they went. My phone got smashed . . . . it's a long. . hot story. But can I ask you something first?" 

"Yes, of course." She sat on her bed, her hand still locked around my wrist. 

"Why is Victoria here? Why are there wolves in the area? And why is their a wolf scent in your room?" 


Would you mind, if their was a MAJOR twist? ??? 

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