Chapter 8- Heart's Desire in Dreams

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Hi sorry I haven't updated. Depression side effects are a bitch so I haven't had a lot of motivation. This is just a filler chapter and I will upload a real one as soon as I can. Promise!

P.S you might hate me for this chapter heheh


Harry's P.O.V

I woke up to Draco frantically shaking me while whisper yelling "Harry! Harry!"

"Oh thank Merlin you're awake!" he said. I looked around and saw that...There was no fort, no hot chocolate. nothing but the couch, blankets, and TV.

"What happened yesterday?" I asked him. "Well, we were watching Corpse Bride, and you fell asleep halfway through the movie and I fell asleep after you when it ended. I woke up and heard you moaning my name." Draco said with suspicious eyes while cocking his head to the side just a little, making him look adorable.

"And nothing else happened?" I asked him. "No, nothing at all" he said, pulling me to sit up next to him.

'of course it was just a dream, the best dream of my life."

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