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We got Starchy to keep Queen Delightful out of the castle for a surprise party

"Hai Ho!!"

Doc is giving everyone assignments

"Alright everybody line up Dopey you'll be in in charge of decorations, Sneezy balloon animals, Bashful 5 places for the guests to hide, Happy prepare the music, Sleepy you'll keep an eye out for the guests and I'll bake the cake."

"So what about me?"
Grumpy asks

"You've got the most important task of all"

"That figures"

"You're the party clown"

"Party clown? Who ever heard of a party clown named Grumpy??"

"That's what makes it so humorous"

That is funny
Grim said quietly invisible

"I'm not doing it"

"But Y/n was really excited about that, she is the one who picked the job out for you."

Grumpy thought about how it would make her laugh and smile and finally accepted his fate

"Fine, but I won't like it."

I got all excited
"So what should I do Doc??"

"You can be a singing clown"

"Yay! Thanks Doc."

Grims POV

I followed Y/n without her knowing considering I'm still invisible

She stopped at a mirror and looked down at her stomach and back at her face

I wrapped my invisible arms around her

I miss her all the time I know it's wrong cause I'm married to my Hildy but if I had to pick between the two I'd run back to Y/n

Back to Y/n

I felt arms wrap around me as I looked in the mirror I started to cry

"Grim...? No he's not here, he made his choice so it's about time I moved on."

I went to change and stood in front of the mirror wearing this

I went to change and stood in front of the mirror wearing this

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I heard a tiny scream but shaked it off

"Time to show the 7d"

I skipped down stares happily and slowly made my way to Grumpy and Happy


Grumpy jumped into the arms of Happy

"What the heck Y/n you almost gave me a heartattack!!"


"What? Are you supposed to be a clown too??"

"Yup, Doc never specified what kind so...yeah"

"So you chose to be scary on a happy occasion?"


"I like the way you think"

"Hehe :3"

Y/n helps with everything else scarying everyone else

Finally she gets done with the cake and when I say she I mean the 7d who has to keep her away from the cake

Suddenly the party stuff disappeared and reappeared with Grim and Peaches

"Party on little dudes bye bye!"

"Grim Gloom! Get back here with our party supplies you!"

"Speadily Peaches!"

Peaches runs as fast as she could which isn't very fast at all

"To the tunnels!"

They ran to the tunnels and Y/n stays sighing happily at the window

"I miss that beautiful idiot"

She ran to the tunnels after the 7d and hopped out of a hole

"Give us back our stuff!"

Doc demands

"How about I give you this!"

He pulls out his wand

Everyone gasps

Bashful appears out of nowhere beside Grim


Grim screams and accident make the balloon dogs come to life tickling him

While he's distracted the 7d take the stuff back as well as the balloon dogs

Y/n stayed behind and played with Peaches who was showing her with love

"Awe I missed you too Peaches"

Grim stopped laughing and stared at Y/n and Peaches

Talk to her Grim

He walks up to Y/n nervously

"Hi Y/n"

She turned around and stood up



He doesn't know what to say

"Bye Peaches"

She turns around to the tunnel about to jump in until Grim hugs her from behind

He tears up and tries to speak

"Y/n please don't go again"

"Grim I have to besides Hildy-"

"Please Y/n you don't understand it was a-"

"I don't want to hear it Grim Gloom you made your choice now go be with her and leave me be"

She jumps in the hole and tears up on her way back to the castle

Grim stands there and cries

Peaches whines missing her original owner

"She doesn't understand Peaches it was a love charm I never would've chose Hildy and I still wouldn't if only she'd take me back" ;-;

He goes home with Peaches and does the best he can for Hildy's stupid surprise party and she loves it

Starchy and the Queen return and they surprise Starchy


They explained how it was actually a party for him and they had fun the rest of the day

Y/n scares Starchy with her costume

Her and Grumpy had a laugh and that's that


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2020 ⏰

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