Chapter 30 - The Move

Start from the beginning

 This house is too big and too empty for just Eric and I. We need a clean sleight, a fresh start. We need a place that isn't a constant reminder of the family that once occupied it. It feels like too many bad things have happened here.

 "You ready?" I jumped at the sound of Eric's voice from behind me. 

 I took a moment to compose myself after the shock. I jumped back into my room and curled my fingers around the window pane to push it closed. "Yeah,"

 With that, I walked out of my bedroom, the same one I grew up in, leaving it behind. It's a part of my past now. A past that I want nothing more than to move on from. I want to forget about all the bad things that I've done and have been done to me. I want to find peace and happiness again, and maybe moving out of here is the first step.

 All of our friends helped us move out our furniture, what we want to keep anyways. Some we decided to leave since there wouldn't be room for it in our new apartment, and also because I don't think I could handle looking at Zoe's bed everyday. 

 Eric and I walked down the stairs, passing the burnt door to Mom's office without a second glance. The fire department said the room would be an easy fix, but we wanted nothing more to do with it. It's no more than a painful reminder, and we don't need that anymore. We know what we've lost.

 We trekked down the front steps of the house, Eric locking the front door behind us. I tried not to look back, but I had to. How could I not? This was the house of my childhood, where I was raised and brought up as the person I am today. I guess it's just harder to say goodbye to something like that than I thought. 

 "Come on," said Eric, guiding me towards my car. 

 He got behind the wheel and we followed the moving truck to our new apartment that just so happened to be right down the hall from the Argents. I'm actually glad we're moving next door to them. That way we know we have some kind of protection with their military grade arsenal. That, and I could really use a friend like Allison at the moment. 

 "Stiles told me what you did," said Eric, glancing at me from the driver's seat. I furrowed my eyebrows at him, unsure of what exactly he was talking about. "How you healed him,"

 I shifted in my seat. "I guess I just learned to trust myself again, for him,"

 "I'm glad you're back, sis," he said, wearing an almost cheeky smile. 

 It made me smile back. "Me too,"

 It feels like so much has changed in so little time. Kali and Jennifer are both dead, Deucalion ran off, and I've regained my ability to heal others. Things just really seemed like they couldn't get any worse, and a part of me still feels that way, but I'm smiling again. That's a stepping stone.

 Derek and Cora left, too. To be honest, I'm not really sure if they're ever coming back. If they don't, I jjust hope they're happy. I hope that they've found a reason to smile just like Eric and I. They deserve that, they really do. I just wish I could have gotten to say goodbye. 

 Part of me still lives in fear though. I know the dangers of what the three of them did that night are. I know that it could potentially draw things here, things that not even my mother could have prepared for. I also know that my friends are affected by it, I can just tell. But I know that they'll be okay, because we have each other.

 The darkness they feel does not have to consume like I let happen with mine. Sure, it will always be there, but it doesn't have to change who they are. I believe that. I overcame mine, and I know that I can help them overcome theirs too. I can actually begin helping people again, instead of always hurting them.

 I truly believe that that is why I survived that night. Maybe it was always supposed to be me. Zoe would never have been able to help Scott, Stiles, and the others as I have. I lived for a reason, and now that I've accepted that, I'm going to start living it. 

 Stiles and I came up on either side of Scott. Stiles wrapped an arm around his shoulders, while I patted the side of his arm. It felt right, the three of us walking down the hallway together, all tragically scarred but still with a beautiful love for one another. This is how it was supposed to be.

 I see Lydia leaned up against a row of lockers talking to Aiden, as Ethan and Danny come out of a classroom hand in hand. Just further down the hall, Isaac and Allison walk down a set of steps, laughing and smiling with each other. Everyone just seems...happy. 

 Although things may never exactly be peaceful in a town like Beacon Hills, this moment makes it feel like it. I'm content with where I am and who I've become. Sure, I've been faced with more than my fair amount of tradegy, but this moment right here, reminds me why I keep fighting. 

 I fight for my friends.


Thanks so much for reading!

Sorry that it's way shorter than usual, but it's the mid-season finale so what can you do?

I'm hoping to have part two out sometime next week, but I still have to map out the episodes and where I want to go with my story line and all that. Plus I have to umpire 15 games this weekend woo. I'm not going to have a body after Sunday.

I really hope you enjoyed my take on season 3a! I really enjoyed writing it :)

Thanks again and don't forget to comment, vote, and follow!

GIF not mine.



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