Chapter Two: Sentenced

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Queen’s POV


“That boy has no idea what he’s done,” the King grumbled.

“Of course he knew what he’s done, that’s why he’s sitting in prison, but the only question we must ask ourselves is, what are we going to do about him now?” Albert put in. I let out a heavy, grieving sigh. The King came over to me and rested his hand on my shoulder. No mother ever wanted to see her children turn to hatred or to a life of villainy.

“No, that isn’t the only question we must ask Albert. We must send word back to Arendelle or go there personally and apologize on Hans’ behalf and assure Queen Elsa and Princess... I don’t remember her name that Hans will be punished and will not hurt them or anyone ever again,” I corrected. My husband nodded next to me.

“Maybe we should decide this tomorrow, it’s late and we could all use the rest,” The King suggested. Albert yawned in agreement, I gazed back to my husband with tears threatening to surface. I agreed then scurried to my room where I let out a sob. I had already lost two sons, losing another, my youngest had been too great for me to bare..

Not long after I had started my woeful crying my husband came in, sat next to me on our bed and held me as my tears flowed.

“Ingrid, I know this is hard but we must do something about him, at least his twin brothers ran away and we didn’t have to do anything but Hans was caught and therefore we must pass judgement.”

“Oh Gustav, how can you ask a mother to pass a harsh judgement on her youngest son?” I asked through the tears.

“I’m not, Albert and I are going to figure one out, don’t worry about it tonight, we need rest.” Knowing that Gustav was right, I shrugged out of my robe then rested against my husband as I allowed sleep to overtake me.

That next morning, while Albert and Gustav were discussing punishment I had decided to go down into the dungeons and speak with Hans. I prepared myself mentally so that I wouldn’t cry in front of Hans. Slowly, I walked down the castle and entered the putrid smelling dungeons. I raised a handkerchief to my nose at first then proceeded to my son’s cell where I saw him sitting against the wall in perfect posture.

“What brings you to my new kingdom, mother?” he asked in a mocking manner.

“Hans, I don’t know how to deal with this exactly but I just wanted to tell you that your father and I will always love you..” Hans didn’t seemed fazed by what I had just told him.

“There is something that you should know about me mother. In that kingdom, Arendelle, I met a girl, Princess Anna and the last thing she told me was that I’ve got a Frozen Heart and she’s right so if you’re pathetic attempts of me giving in and groveling are useless. I’ve accepted my frozen heart and I thrive in it, so I think it’s best that if you just leave me alone,” he snapped. His words pierced my heart at it’s core.

“Fine, if that’s the way you feel then I know the perfect way to set you straight.” With that I marched right into the room where Albert and Gustav sat.

“Ingrid, what’s wrong?” Gustav inquired.

“I don’t know if you and Albert have already come up with a punishment and if you have then I apologize because I know the perfect one, that’ll set him straight and it won’t hurt anyone,” I paused, waiting for them to speak but they never did so I continued. “Exile, or at least temporary banishment.” Again, no one spoke for several seconds.

“My dear Ingrid, where would we banish him?” Gustav asked.

“You remember we have a wine plantation on a little italian island, Elba?”


“Well it’s simple, we banish him there with other convicts and he will work in the vineyards for five years or so and once those five years are up then we can see if he is a changed man and if he is then he’ll have no problem going to Arendelle and pleading for Queen Elsa and Princess Anna’s forgiveness. What do you think?” Gustav appeared to be unsure about the arrangement.

“Albert, what do you think about this?” Gustav inquired of his son. Albert’s eyebrows were close together as if he were in deep thought.

“I think it’s a brilliant idea mother, but suppose Hans doesn’t change in the course of five years?” I smiled at my son.

“Five years doing hard work can change anyone but if he doesn’t change then he can be cut off and forever banished to Elba.”

Hans POV

The guards came for me a long time after my mother had come. The huge brute looking guard opened my cell door.

“You. Out. You’ve been summoned for your verdict,” he ordered. Without saying a word, I raised myself to my feet and allowed him to lead me back to the Great Hall where my parents sat in their thrones and my other brothers stood behind  them with judgement passing through their eyes. I raised my head higher to show that their opinions and judgements didn’t matter to me.

“Hans, my son, we have reviewed your crimes and your mother has decided and we all agreed that for your punishment you will be banished to the Italian island, Elba, where you will work in the vineyards for five years. If you can realize your wrongs after five years you may come home so long as you plead for Queen Elsa’s and Princess Anna’s forgiveness,” my father asserted. That word “forgiveness’ made me cringe but I remained silent.  My father looked to the guard.  “Take him away” and with that I was dragged from the Hall and back outside and onto a boat where we made our long journey to the island of Elba.

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