Chapter Twenty-Four

Start from the beginning

They entered their domain overrun by cats that came up to them rubbing against his legs, while the queen scooped up and fussed over, rubbing her swollen stomach. "Any day soon, my lovely."

"Are you sure you've got enough Saleema?" Some were rescue cats that had been hurt nursed back to health and joined her harem of cats. 

He would never accept so many, because it would be unfair. He travelled far too much and was always between here and London. Placing down the cat, she went to a cage and removed a dotted street cat that was of questionable background.

"I have to find a home for him." He never asked for the sex of the animals. "He has a real character and is rather independent."

"Andrea would love that. How old?" He took the cat into his arms and held it against his chest which purred and rubbed him under the chin.

"Just under a year, been fixed."

"So passed the kitten stage?" She nodded. Even better.

"I want Andrea to have him, name him."

"And you have not?" He asked, astonished.

"I didn't want to get attached."

He stroked the cat. "The problem is we travel so much and the restriction in other countries on transporting a pet. If we do this, he would have to stay here, when we are not." She shook her head. "You don't want it here?"

"I cannot with these cats."

"Let's just see if Andrea wants him, then we would go from there."

"He prefers to be by himself."

"Perfect," he smiled and walked out, carrying the cat close to his chest. "Just as long as you don't come between me and my girl or I will take you out," he warned. 

The cat twitched its tail. 

Great, he had competition. The problem was he had no idea where Andie was or how long she was going to be. Then there is the bed, food, and other stuff. He hadn't thought this through. When it came to Andrea, he rarely did.

Much to his delight, she was back in the apartment, stretched on the sofa, nose in her laptop, going at it like a mad woman. Obviously, she had cleared her head. So involved she didn't even hear him enter. 

Crossing over he placed the cat on the small of her back. 

Startled, she looked back and melted. "Oh, it's so beautiful. Boy or girl."

"Boy, sorry it's a mongrel."

Her eyes lit up. "A moggie?"

"And he can't mix with the queen's snobby cats." Shihab removed the cat, so she could sit up and take it into her arms. "And needs a name."


"You will not call the cat after me. A hero, but not a cat that is just one step too far." 

Smiling, she buried her face into the cat's fur, which purred, making itself at home in her arms.

"I always wanted a cat," she confessed.

"So more of a cat person," he noted, crossing his arms. 

Only if he had known, he would never have agreed to this.

"Sir Lancelot," she declared. 

Of course. Shaking his head, he left, leaving them to bond and they did. 

The cat made himself at home, Andie fell for his little furry face and whiskers. Shihab swore it was trying to get him out of her life. He had taken over his seat next to her. Always jumping up on her lap, pushing his way in when they were having a quiet time together. 

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