Chapter Twenty-Three

Start from the beginning

Finally arriving at a private airport, and changed into suitable attire, Andie's breath caught, nearly passing out at the sight of Shihab in full royal garb, pure white linen robe, covered by a soft brown with gold edging overlay, white headdress with gold agal. 

He looked stunning, regal and all hers, reminding her of their wedding day. He held out his hand towards her, his wedding band gleaming at her that matched her, with the family crest embedded around the gold ring.

She glided across in her long flowing mauve abaya with a matching scarf over her loose hair, wrapped around her neck, taking his hand that he squeezed. "Ready?"

"I am now. I will just follow your greatness."

"Andrea!" He moaned, heat reddening his cheeks. "You are bad."

"What? You look amazing, so hot," she fanned a hand in front of her face. "Babe, you are so hot!"

"You are just turned on by the clothes," he noted dryly.

"Yes," she groaned, nearly wetting herself. "Are you going to be dressed like this all the time?"

He eyed her sideways. "Am I in danger of getting molested?"

"Every friggin' minute. I want you now," she whispered, leaning up towards him.

"I should have seen this coming. Behave yourself."

She brushed up against him, voice lowering. "I'm so hot for you. Can we do it in the car?"

"Andrea! Do I have to send you back to London?"

"Um, no, I need to fend off all those women."

He eyed her closely. "What women?"

"The ones who want to molest my prince." 

Shaking his head, he led her out of the plane, and down the stairs. The heat after the cool air-conditioned plane was noticeable. Shihab led her towards a black limousine with flags out front that she pointed at. 

"We get flags," she noted excitedly. 

He urged her into the back of the car and slid in beside her as the door closed. She clasped his hand. Gently he rubbed his thumb over her hand, knowing how nervous she was. She turned towards him and pressed up against him.

"Forget it," he growled low in his voice. She laughed and sneaked in a quick kiss. "Behave," he hissed, snatching another one. "That will have to do until we are alone."

As they got closer and closer to the palace, she grew quieter and quieter as her grip on his hand got tighter and tighter, eyes like saucers at the sight of the imperial palace. She nearly cut off his blood circulation in his hand, as they pulled up in front of the entrance of the palace with sandstone steps. 

Very impressive long stairs that led up to a pillar's frontage.

"You don't know how enormous a royal palace is unless you see it up front," she barely whispered. He brought up her hand to kiss. She looked across, swallowing hard, eyes wary.

"It's just a building, actually my home. It's just a home like yours." Sadness filled her eyes.

"I hope not," taking a deep breath, then gasped, releasing her grip on his hand that was white. "I'm so sorry Shihab."

"You have quite a grip on you. Must remember that when we have children."

"Don't worry, I'm having drugs," she promised. 

His door was opened, before he could answer that and climbed out, shaking his head at the man on the other side. He walked around to the other side, where the door was opened. He offered his hand that was taken and he helped Andie out.

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