The Unforgettable Memory (B2ST Gikwang)

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Another day has passed. Cherry stares at the window blankly while her mind is working on something else.

Fifteen years ago


"Help me!" The voice of a small kid echoes loudly in the deserted alley.

"You're not gonna get away this time!" The boy snarls.

"Please, don't hurt me! I've never done anything wrong to you! Please, I beg you." The girl pitifully cries, wailing loudly.

"Now, you must pay for it!" The boy immediately flings his fist towards the girl. A hand catches his, holding it still firmly.

"Quick, get away from here!" The boy with the rainbow cap shouts at her.

The girl immediately flees, leaving her life saviour alone behind. As she bolts down the path to the main road, she hears the sound of a boy being beaten and moaning painfully.

"Don't worry my hero. I'll come back for you." She immediately calls for help from the people.

Some people come with her to help. "Wait, where are they?" 

The boys are no longer there.

The girl sees something on the floor. Picking it up closer, she views it carefully. It was not there earlier.

"G. K." That is the only thing written on the white bloody handkerchief.


The girl with the braided locks walks into the coffee shop frantically.

"Oh my goodness! I am so going to be dead today!" She glances at her watch and lets out a surprised shriek. It's eight past half. She is indeed, very really late. 

The cheerful face of SeoHyun greets her at the counter. "Good morning, Lisa!" She said to her, crisply. 

Lisa smiles at her and quickly shuffles her way to the corner of the shop, into the room of the owner. Praying hard, she knocks on the door with a smile on her face.

"Come in," a loud husky voice welcomes her into the room.

Lisa politely smiles at the man.

"Good morning. I'm sorry for being late, Mr Anderson. Yesterday, I had to do my assignments which are due on tomorrow."

The man puts his pen down on the table. The look on his face starts to make Lisa crept out.

Mr Anderson is not someone whom you can call a gentleman, even when he does smile gentlemanly. He, on the other hand, is completely a bad-ass. He does not care if you do not eat before you work. He does not care if you are suddenly sick and you have to take a day off work without a week's prior notice. He does not care if you overslept and of course, you show up at the workplace a little bit later than what you are supposed to. In fact, they are exactly what he hates the most; latecomers.

The Unforgettable Memory (B2ST Gikwang) *COMPLETE*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin