Chapter 1

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I woke up to an annoying BEEEP BEEEP BEEEP BEEEP.. I groan and slam my hand on top of the damn alarm clock. I roll off the bed, falling onto the carpeted floor. UGH! SCHOOL!

I get up off the floor, and sluggishly walk to my bathroom, standing in front of the mirror, leaning against the counter lazily. Sighing I look into the mirror, silvery blue eyes staring back at me, my naturally long white hair a knotty mess draped over my shoulders, and bruises that covered my chest by 6 years of abuse.

After brushing my hair, I pull it into a lazy ponytail, adding a grey bow on my pony, I brush the muck off my teeth.

When done, I head out of the bathroom to the closet, stripping off my clothing, throwing them into the hamper, I tug on a black lace bra.

I tug on a white tank-top over my bra, jumping up and down to pull on my white skinny jeans, and for a last touch, I effortlessly slide on an oversized grey sweatshirt. When i'm done putting on my plain white socks that stop at the ankles, I pull on grey vans with white laces.

I slung my black bag over my shoulder, and head down the hall to the living room.

My father sat on the couch, his beer belly sticking out of his small shirt, sipping his morning coffee as he watched the morning news.

"I'm heading to school" I mutter weakly avoiding all eye contact, trying to avoid being yelled at, or worse, beaten before school.

"Whatever" He groaned, his eyes fixated on the television.

I walk out the door after grabbing an apple on the counter, closing the door, I begin my walk to school, which is only a 5 minute walk from where I live. I eat the apple on the way, eating it to the core.

As I walk into the building, I throw the apple into the trash, sighing, I head down the halls to my first class. Passing through the crowd of people, the smell of strong cologne, perfume, and underarm stink, crawling up my nose all the way to Ms.Tuckers room. Ugh I hate her.

I head to the back of the classroom, and pull out my sketchbook and start to sketch as the room continues to fill with students. After minutes of waiting for class to start, as if i'd actually participate anyway, the bell rings, signalling the start of class.

As she starts to drone on and on about plants, and tools used for planting, I continue to sketch a black wolf with a pearl white cat lounging on his back, a silver moon cascading over the trees that scattered the forest.

I'm not sure why I've chosen that to sketch, but as my mother used to stay, you don't choose the drawing, the drawing chooses you.

I miss her, she's always been the one I could consult to with all my little issues. She died in a car crash, six years ago.

My dad was heartbroken, he began drinking, at first he never laid a hand on me, he ignored my existence, bringing girl after girl home. After a while though, he started yelling at me to clean up the mess, and if it weren't done in time, he would punish me.

Usually it's in places that can be covered, my thighs, and stomach. Other scars that covered my wrist have always been self inflicted ever since I was 12. 

Just the thought of my scars has me itching to- my thoughts are interrupted as the door is slammed open, causing everyone's head to slam up. The girls gasping and gaping at the boy at the door, his messy brown hair, yelling that he rush combed it, his black shirt hugging his slightly chiseled chest, matched with black sweatpants, and black nike shoes.

"Mind explaining why you're late Mr..." Ms.tucker sassed

"Elijah Wood ma'am, I'm new here, I couldn't find the class." His deep voice causing the girls to swoon, as I roll my eyes.

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