5 o'clock

3 0 0

< 5 o'clock>

I'm here

I'm just not here

Its like you're there but your mind isn't

Disappearing sounds great

Not having to worry sounds great

Having a night where you don't want to cry for NO specific reason, SOUNDS GREAT

But guess what, I can't get that one night

Tossing and turning in bed

Your thoughts are crowded

That's how it is sometimes when I try to sleep

But hey, at least I still get little sleep right?

I just want that one night where I sleep peacfully

Don't we all, damn

But I keep telling myself

You cant always get what you want

But be greatful for what you do get

Ands that's why I don't complain much

Yeah This is shitty
Sorry honeys
Hope you enjoyed though

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