Chapter One - Sasha

Start from the beginning

The car slowed to a stop and I looked around. We were already outside the house. That was quick. I didn't even pay attention to where we were going. I got out after Connor and followed him up the steps to our front door. We walked in and headed straight to the living room. I took in the room. I loved our little house. It wasn't much but it was ours. And now I was having to leave it to go and live with a man that I hated. I sighed and sat down on the sofa. A few seconds later, Connor sat down next to me.


"Yeah, monkey?" I smiled at the nickname that he gave me.

"What are we going to do about our jobs? How are we going to keep the bills going while we are gone?"

His jaw clenched. "Well, it seems that 'daddy-dearest' has come into some money. Apparently a family relative of his died and left him a small fortune. He's paying for everything."

I hated him. First he leaves us, and now he rubs his money in our faces. He's a bigger asshole than I thought. Who the hell does he think he is? If he thinks that paying a couple of bills for a few months is going to make up for what he did to us, then he is sadly mistaken. He left us when we really needed him and I will never forgive him for that. I'm not the same little girl that he left behind and he will soon realise that.

"I don't want to see him Con. I can't face him after what he did. I just can't." I whispered. I wanted to be strong, I really did, but it was just too much to handle. He pulled me into his arms as I cried for the second time that day.

"It's going to be okay. I promise I'm not going to leave you on your own. We stick together. You're my baby sister."

I punched his arm lightly. "We're the same age idiot."

"Yeah but I was born first so that makes me the big brother and you my baby sister."

I laughed. He always knew how to make me feel better, even when I felt like I was at my lowest. I would be lost if it wasn't for him. I loved my mum dearly, but Connor was my other half, the other part of me. We come as a package and nothing will ever come between us. He was the one I turned to when I was having trouble at school or if I hurt myself, and he never complained about it. Not once. My little family meant the world to me. It wasn't that big but it was mine.

I stayed like that with Connor for the rest of the afternoon watching DVD's. The only time either one of us got up was to change the film, get food and drinks or to use the bathroom. It got to 10:00pm and I was falling asleep on Connor's shoulder. He lifted my head off of his shoulder and got up from the sofa before turning to face me.

"Come on. You need to go to bed. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow." I nodded my head and reached for his outstretched hand. We walked up the stairs together, him slightly in front pulling me up. When we got to my door he kissed my forehead before saying goodnight and walking into his own room which was right next door to mine. I walked through the door and took in my room. The room that I was going to be moving out of to go and live with someone who I consider a complete stranger. My room wad one of the bigger ones in the house. I also had my own bathroom. My walls were purple apart from my feature wall which was a pack of wolves running through the woods in moonlight. I loved wolves. I had a double bed facing the wolves so they were the last thing I saw before I fell asleep.

Other then that, my room was like any other. I had my wardrobe and some cabinets with a bed side table. I also had a large bookshelf which had started to over flow. I needed to remember to get another one. I walked into my bathroom where I had a quick shower and brushed my teeth. I brushed through my curly blond hair and changed into a large t-shirt before getting into bed. I looked over to my bed side table where I came face to face with a photo of our family. Including him. Me and Connor were six at the time. I was sitting on my dad's shoulders and Connor had his arms around my mum's legs. We all had our arms wrapped around each other. We were happy.

No matter how much he hurt us, I couldn't bring myself to get rid of the photo. I needed to keep some of the happy memories because otherwise I would only be left with the heartbreak that he caused. My eyes started to burn from holding back the tears and I finally let them fall. All I seemed to be doing lately was cry. I heard my door open. I turned my head to see Connor walk in wearing a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. He didn't say a word as he got into the bed next to me and pulled me into his arms.

I cried loudly into his shoulder and wrapped my arms around his neck. He was my rock, my brother and in some ways, the father that I haven't had for the last eight years. I don't know what I would have done without him. After I finally stopped crying, I realised how tired I actually was. I rested my head against Connor's chest before I fell into a deep sleep.

Tomorrow was going to be a really long day.


Okay everyone this is the first chapter. I'm sorry it took so long but I wanted this to be perfect before I uploaded it.

Please let me know!!!!!

Picture of Taylor Swift as Sasha on the side -------------->



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