28-Let her go

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Obviously I think you should listen to Let her go by passenger. Love that song.


Alex's POV


After the dinner I didn't hear from Rachel at all. No calls no texts no nothing. So as soon as it was Monday I went searching for her at school.

"Jasmine did you see Rachel?" She turned around and scrunched her face up.

"First of all no I haven't, ever since you and Quinby have been talking to her I rarely get to see her. And second, what did you do this time?" I scratched the back of my neck.

"Well she came to my house for dinner because of her sister she's dating my brother. And when she came she came with...Jake."

"So let me guess you said something really mean to her or about him." I shook my head yes. Man this girl really is Rachel's bet friend.

"Look Rachel is a really nice person like her niceness can be annoying sometimes. She's not mad at you she's just...mad at you. That didn't make sense did it?"

"Surprisingly it did. But she hasn't been answering any of my calls or calling me back." Jasmine eyes widened, and her once calm expressions turned into frantic nervous ones.

"Oh no we need to find Rachel."

"Why what's wrong?" What's going on?

"Rachel doesn't answer her phone for three reasons. She's really mad, she's about to do something really bad and doesn't want anyone talking her out of it, or something involving...music!" Jasmine sprinted running to some random location me right behind her trying to catch up. Man she ran fast.

"Which reason is it than?"

"Will you be scared if I say all three?" She turned a corner and we were heading to the music room.

Jasmine pulled the door opened and the last thing I wanted to see was what I saw. Rachel was sitting on a piano bench with Jake right next to her. I knew he'd be with her. There faces were very close to each other as if...

They both turned thier heads toward the direction. Jake's expression seemed to show anger like he was pissed to see me stopping whatever they were about to do. But Rachel's expression was confusing to me. She smiled wide when she saw me and Jasmine. Was she happy to see me?

She turned her head to Jake and whispered something in his ear grabbed her stuff and walked away from the room leaving the three of us confused as heck.

Rachel began to walk quickly as Jasmine and I followed her. I pulled her arm and turned her around.


"Hello?" She looked at me confused as if what happened in the room didn't happen. I felt my face burning red for the thoughts running through my minds. What were they doing in that room?

"Did he did he kiss you?" She pulled her hand away from my hand and gave me a scrutinizing gaze.

"What's it to you? Why do you even care?"

"Rachel just answer the boys question and go on with your day." I turned and saw Jasmine standing in the background leaning against the lockers. I guess we're all in this together.

Rachel was now laughing which I found strange. What is going through her mind?

"Fine. Jake took me to the music room to hang out nothing important. And then he called me beautiful, I said he shouldn't call me that because when something good happens to me someone always ruins it."

"What do you mean?" Jasmine and I said in unison.

"Well he said so if I kiss you right now nothing is going to happen? I said no something will happen. Than ge said so me kissing you is a good thing?"

"Yah go on."

"I can't."

"Why the hell not?"

"You're gonna hate me." Her eyes were filled with fear. She really did care how I felt about her.

"I promise Rachel I won't hate you."

"Fine. So when he said that I told him no. Wether it's good or bad someone's is going to come barging through the doors. He said that's not true. I said really cause I'm pretty sure that Jasmine my guardian angel, and Alex the boy who seems to always be there are gonna pop up if you even try. So that's what he did. All he did was have his face in front of mine and you two showed up."

"Do you even like Jake still?

"Jasmine! The enemy is right there why would you ask that?" She said whisper/ yelling at her friend.

She likes him, and he likes her they're perfect for each other. Who was I to think that I had a chance. It hasn't been me and Rachel for so long she probably forgot that night when we danced to timber.

"I'll let you two talk." Jasmine ran out of the corridor probably heading towards the cafeteria that sneak.

"You're mad aren't you?" Rachel slid down the floor with her hands covering her face.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because I like Jake. And I'm friends with you and you two hate each other a lot. But I don't want to lose Jake as a friend. But now we're close friends and I don't wanna lose you too." She pulled her head up and looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes of hers.

"I never knew I would be friends with a popular, and now that I am I don't want to not be anymore. It's just that I can't chose between you and Jake. At first I would pick Jake in a heartbeat, but than you pop out of nowhere and fight my crush for a reason I don't even know."

She's so clueless she doesn't even know how I feel about her. Or how Jake feels about her, she thinks I just want to be friends, but I want to be so much more. She was right though, ever since I became her friend she gained PTSD, and she got jumped. All I do is bring drama in her life. Maybe she needs someone who can take care of her and protect her from people like me. Maybe that someone is Jake.

"Well if you can't decide I'll choose for you." She gazed up at my eyes, and it broke my heart for what I was going to say next.

"I'll leave you alone forever. Jake was your friend first and he obviously makes you happy since you like him." I brought my backpack to my shoulder and began to walk away from the only person I cared so much about.

And you wanna know what the worst part is?

She didn't even try to stop me.


I don't know why but I wasn't feeling this chapter. I had way to many distractions while writing it. I hope you all love this book and like the cast I have chosen for it. If you have a better idea please tell me.

See yah!


Thymajesty Xl

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