Break Ups

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     Dedicated to all those who have just dealt with a break up

      Break ups.  The moment you hear those words you think of heartbreak.  And if you were just in a break up it might be heart break.  Here are the steps to moving on.

     Step One: Let all the tears flow.
Cry all you want, say whatever you want about yourself.  Lay in bed with a bag of Pringles in your pajamas all day.  Let it all out!  No one will judge.  These things take time.  Try not to say at this step for too long though.

     Step Two: Get yourself together.
Hardest step, no doubt.  Get off the couch and to the nearest mirror.  No matter how hard it is or how untrue you think it is force yourself to look into your eyes and say "I can get through this".  If you broke up with someone then tell yourself "It's better this way" if someone broke up with you yell yourself "I deserve better".  Everything happens for a reason.  You might not know the reason yet, but it will show itself at some point of your life.

     Step Three:  Look around
Look at your friends, family, look at the people around you.  Your family and friends love you for a reason and a good one too.  They love who you are.  A S/O that claims they didn't love you, wasn't looking hard enough

     You might meet someone else or be a loner your whole life.  Either way, I hope you know that heartbreak us common and can't last forever.  Someone out their loves you.  And one more piece of advice.  Learn to love yourself before you love someone else.  People believe in other halfs.  That you need someone else to complete you.  That's not true.  Complete your own heart first.  Now, teach someone else how to complete theirs.  Boom, now you have two complete hearts instead of One.

Stay Safe Out There Peeps

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