Random One-Shot

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     Today was the day.  

     Today she would have to say goodbye to all who loved her, even if they had already said it.  Today was the last time that she would be able to see this place again.  

     Today was her last day on earth.

     I wasn't her choice.  If she had the chance to be able to live for another couple of years, she'd gladly take it, but sadly, life had other plans.  

     She had hope for another day.  Every day she prayed that she would live to see another day but as the sickness consumed her all that she prayed for now was that she would be able to see her closet friends, family, and all those she never got to say goodbye to.  

     For all she knew, a common cold could have caused all this.  Maybe the flu, but nowadays if you wanted medicine you'd either have to make it yourself or travel far and pay a heavy price for it.  No, one could afford that.  So she took it easy.  Made all the possible remedy she could think of and even though they help, it wasn't enough.   

     Only one person was available to watch over her.  If she got near anyone else, they would become sick as well.  That was learned the hard way.  

     But this person had already gotten the sickness, they were immune to it.  Another reason why they were the "doctor" around here.  

     She became weak.  Weaker and Weaker day by day.   

     Slowly, her breathing became slower and her heart becoming Tired.  She closed her eyes and relaxed thinking about all the things she had previously done.  She took a breath in, ready for the moment.  She tried to open them to get one last look at the world before her heart gave up on it's job.  That's when she realized...

   ...she couldn't

     The world was gone, but it didn't seem like it.  She was fully conscious.  She let go of the breath she had previously taken.  One second passed.  Two.  Five.  Ten

     Was there still air left in her lungs?  

     The air continued to be sucked out of her.  At first it felt relaxing.  It was as if the air was carrying all her problems, her stress, her sickness right out of her.  Maybe, she would see heaven (or the other place) after all the air left her lungs.  So, She waited.

And waited

And waited

     Time passed and it passed quickly.   It could have been day, weeks, months before a feeling besides relaxation entered her body.    This feeling wasn't a good one either.  A mixture between sadness, anger, and most of all: Pain.

     Her lungs her becoming sore.  She wanted to take a breath of air so bad, but no matter how hard she tried, she would always fail.  Was this a sign that she was still alive?  Had all her thoughts about never seeing her home again been a lie?

     More time passed, more stress have entered her.  All she needed was one breath air.   Was the Lord testing her?  Soon, everything began to hurt.  Her head, her body, her lungs.  Darkness surrounded her and if something about this environment didn't change she would go insane.   Thinking was becoming hard because of her headache.  She felt helpless, confused, and overwhelmed. 

     At least it didn't last forever.

     The light approached.  Finally, there seemed to be hope.  She focused on the light to distract herself from her sore lungs.  It came closer and closer in till it was all she saw.   In a brief, moment, half a second.  Everything happened at once.  She was in a new environment, she tried to take the biggest breath she had ever taken ( which wasn't a good idea, she was left a coughing mess), she saw a familiar face looking down at her, and a wave a memories from a new life came rushing back.  Trying to steady her breathing, she realized something.

     She was reincarnated.   

     (659 words without A/N)  Okay, so i'm really freaking bored right now so I wrote this.  There's no backstory, no specific characters, It's just this, so deal with it.  Let your imagination figure out what the freak is happening here.  



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