Chapter 1

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My best friend is the type that you'll forgive no matter what and in the end she is ALWAYS there.. No matter how big of a fight you just got in.

For example.. Way back when I liked this guy sooooooooooo much I was like awestruck by him it was like unbelievable.. Until the day he left me in the dust for my friend Trina. The guy (Adan) had this ex named Amanda they had been together so long I knew I couldn't compete, but still we both secretly envied each other..

Long story short we both began noticing it wasn't just us he was into, but now there was Amanda, Helen, Trina, and me.. In my mind Amanda was already enough.. now I had three prettier girls than me!! Ugh!! What a chore he was becoming. Although I didn't realize it because I "fancied" him way too much.. When he came around to attempting to ask me out I told him I was sorry but it wasn't gonna happen.. No matter how much I longed for him..

He was still madly in love with Amanda, but by that time she had another boyfriend, but was making sure to her best ability that I continued to reject him. I can't say he broke my heart (even if he did) because.. Well, I could have had him still if I didn't reject him.. Amanda, you sure got your way.. Anyways when I found out he was with Trina I immediately bursted into deep sobs.. Calling the closest friends I could think of.. As a matter of fact the people I did call that night.. Or the couple nights.... Haven't been in contact for a while. {I keep babbling on.. Sorry:) for a little minute there I forgot what the point if this llloooooonnnnggggg story was}

Anyways, after Trina broke up with him (the day before a holiday <if I may note>) I was mad.. So mad. Because I well he was still my friend (and I still had feelings for him) and when I realized he was more over me than I thought my heart was no longer wounded, but on the verge of a crack to a fresh broken heart. The only person there for me was Alyssiah (Uh-Lee-Cee-Uh). Which was the point to my llloooonnngggg example!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2012 ⏰

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