Coming Home

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  You sigh as you walk down the familiar street. Home...well, sort of. It's your best friends place. She and her older brother are both mutants as well though they hide unlike yourself. You swear her brother has a crush on you that borders love. Haven can manipulate her surroundings, and cast illusions. Sam on the other hand is a shape shifter. Not like you though. He can shift into anything. You knock softly on the door. It's the middle of winter and you forgot your coat. Haven opens the door cautiously then throws it open when she sees it's you. You jump into the house shifting mid jump and land as a wolf. You shake your (H/L)(H/C) fur and sigh. Haven pats your head and goes into the living room. You pad along behind her and lay in front of the fire with another sigh. She walks out and begins to gather ingredients, for what, you don't know. You shift and walk into the kitchen to see what she's doing. "Sam should be home soon. He'll be excited to see you. Though tell me, what have you gotten into?" You sit at the counter and she hands you a cup of coffee just the way you like it.
"I went to the school for gifted youngsters...I met a guy..." You redirect your attention to her for a moment and sniff lightly to try and figure out what shes thinking. All of a sudden you're being gathered into a bear hug.
"I'm so proud of you! Tell me all about it! What's he look like!? TALL? DARK? HANDSOME? SPILL!" She lets you go so you can speak. You go back to staring at the beverage and deflect her questions with a disinterested shrug. She looks at you like a school girl would after hearing about the newest gossip and wanting the details.
"Tall- ish, dark haired, deep eyed, muscular, rugged. Just the way I like 'em i guess." You look at her hoping it soothed her thirst to hear about your non- existent love life. but naturally she isn't satisfied.
"And um....hi-" she raises her eyebrows suggestively at you before you cut her off.
"NO! I AM NOT DISCUSSING THIS WITH YOU. EVEN IF I DID KNOW. This is serious...I really like him. We kinda clicked I guess...I'm sorry for being kinda snappy but gosh..." you chuckle, "I only met him a few days ago. Who do you think I am, Her?" You look at each other and burst into giggles. You hear the door open and close. "Sam's home..." He walks in as if on cue.
"(N/N)! Hey!" He picks you up into a hug and spins you. when he sets you down he kisses your cheek.
"Hey Sam..." You look at Haven for help and she obliges. She takes you by the arm and leads you to the guest room you claim as yours when you visit. Your drawings are still on the walls. They range from some of your first scribbles to one of the ones you sent to be kept there the year before. She sets you on the bed and the two of you gossip about girl things. It's honestly surprising to you that you can still do normal things like this. "Have, I think it's the wolf part that makes me like him so much. I think it finds him to be well...a mate, my mate." There's a crash downstairs and the two of you run to investigate.
~~Brought to you by Logi- Bear~~
Logan walks into the Professors Office with an almost dazed look on his face. You've been gone almost three days since the incident in the Danger Room. They are all telling him you're just on a mission but Logan feels something's wrong. "Can I talk to you?" The Professor motions to a chair in front of the desk and nods. "Have you sent (Y/N) on a mission...?" There's an uncomfortable silence for a moment and the professor gets an odd look on his face.
"I noticed she was gone but I thought she was with Storm or Cyclops. They're both out right now. Come with me." He wheels out from behind his desk and out the door without another word. He goes to Cerebro and shushes Logan when he tries to speak. The machine boots up and Logan looks around. A red dot flashes brighter than the others. The machine then powers down and the Professor sighs. "The coordinates have been sent to the bike. Flowers are always a good idea Logan." They walk out and he nods.
"Thank you." Logan walks up to Scott and Jeans room and knocks. He hears a faint come in. Jean's watching T.V. when he walks in. "Bike keys, now." She holds up her hands and tosses them to him. "Thanks." He walks out and begins making his way to the garage when he has to stop again.
"Hey Mr. Logan. Where ya goin? Can I go?" The boy tags along and he looks over to the kid. His large eyes shining with hope as he flicks the lighter in his hand, the flame flicking in and out.
"Go away kid, I don't have the time." He falls back while Logan continues to walk. One of the younger children is walking behind him as well and he smiles a little past the unlit cigar in his mouth. He gets to see you again and hopefully bring you back. He hears a fwoosh behind him and turns, cradling the child close as a burst of flame engulfed them. When the heat subsided Logan looks up, most of his flesh has melted away but is starting to heal quickly. Soon he's healed completely and as he stands up, the young boy still clinging to him Storm runs around the corner. The boy pulls back and has a singed twit of hair in the back but other than that he's perfectly fine. "YOU COULD HAVE KILLED SOMEONE! ARE YOU CRAZY!? GET TO THE PROFESSORS OFFICE! Storm...could you take him to the infirmary and make sure he," Logan shoves him forwards, "gets where he needs to be." He hands the boy to Storm and walks away. Finally without anymore interruption he makes it to the garage. Though, when he gets there boy, is he in for a surprise.
"What the he-"
"Language Logan..." Rogue looks up at him from under her lashes. She is laying across the bike in an attempt to gain even sideways glance.
"Move Rogue. I have somewhere to be." He stands his ground like a true soldier.
"But Logan..." She stands up and plays with the collar of his jacket. "You would really deny me this one little, thing...?" She pouts her lip out and puts on the puppy dog eyes. Logan grabs her gloved wrists and moves her hands off himself.
"I told you I have somewhere to be." He gets on the bike and cranks it. He puts up the kick stand and as the automatic doors open he rides off. He stops after a few hours to get a drink and think about what he could have possibly done to upset you this bad. He gets back on the road shortly and doesn't stop again.
~~Brought to you by you~~
You sit at the table and bandage Sams hands where he "dropped" a vase. You make the final cut on the bandage and tape it down. "There, that's done." Sam picks up your hand and runs his thumbs softly over your knuckles. You have a skeptical look but don't say anything yet. He kisses your hand.
"Thank you (N/N)." He looks at you with soft hazel eyes. You take your hand back.
"I think I'll go to my room now..." You stand up and put away the medical supplies then retreat to your room. "That was creepy..." You sit on the bed as Haven knocks on the door. You grunt as an invitation and lay back on the bed. She walks in and gives you all the updates on her date from the night before. The two of you talk a while before you claim you're tired and need some sleep. She bids you goodnight and leaves. After making sure the door's shut you fall into a fitful yet at the same time peaceful sleep, as if something good is about to happen.
~~Time Skip To The Next Morning~~
You wake up after a fitful sleep. You stretch and groan as your muscles pop loose from their knots. You sit in bed on your phone as something begins to unfold in the foyer. *Knock* *Knock* Sam goes to the door and opens it revealing burly looking man with a bouquet of what happen to be your favorite flowers. "You're not my sisters boyfriend...who are you?"
"It doesn't matter. Is (Y/N) here?" Sam stands there a minute and thinks.
"No, she's not at the moment. She went to the store to get something for breakfast. But if you leave the flowers I'll make sure she gets them. Logan watches him for a moment before the flowers are snatched out of his hand and the door slams in his face. As Sam turns you walk out of your room. "Good morning beautiful. I brought you some flowers." He smiles sweetly at you ant you just sigh.You're wearing a (F/C) sweater with a cute little badger face on it, (Get it? Ha Ha!) skinny jeans and brown combat boots.
"I'm going out." You breeze past Sam and out the door without another word. As you walk you begin to think. -What if he never comes looking for me...- You walk into the local cafe and sit at your normal booth. You order a coffee and a few pancakes. As you wait for your order to arrive you take a pen out of your bag and grab a napkin. You doodle a little Logan and a little you standing beside one another holding hands and a heart between the two of you. A wistful sigh makes it past your lips as your plate arrives along with something else sweet that you didn't order.
"Here ya go." It's a rough male voice that peaks at the plate is set before you. The owner of said voice sets across from you and takes your napkin. Your eyes shoot up to find something better than pancakes. A Canadian who knows how to make them.
"Logan...?" Your eyes get wide and you reach across the table to him. The pancakes and coffee forgotten.
"Hey Bub..." He takes your small hand in his larger one. He kisses the knuckles like Sam did the day before. Only this time, it feels right. "This could have happened last week if you hadn't run off like that ya know?" You just nod. "I guess what i'm tryin' ta say is I want ya to come home with me..." You look at him your (E/C) eyes shining.
"Yeah, let's go home. I just need to get some stuff from Haven's place first, kay?" You pay for the forgotten food and leave. The two of you ride the bike back and you let the two of you in. Haven begins to lecture Logan about you and you go to grab your stuff. Sam walks in behind you and shuts the door.
"You're going with him?"
"Yes, I am."
"WHAT DOES HE HAVE THAT I DON'T (Y?N)?! WHAT!?" He flails his arms around as he yells. You turn calmly to face him with your bag in hand.
"I don't know Sam..." You walk past him and into the living room. "Ready?" Logan stands up and puts an arm around you. The pair of you walk out to the bike and leave for the mansion. Three days later you make it back. You apologize for everything and get settled back into your room. You go to Logan's room to find him laying on the bed shirtless. He holds out an arm to you and you lay beside him, curling into his side, "I love you Logan."
"I'm pretty fond of you Bub." You look up at him and smile. He looks down and catches you by surprise with a soft sweet kiss. You kiss back then snuggle back into him, perfectly content with your life. For now.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2017 ⏰

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