Can't Help Falling I love With You

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                    Wise men say only fools rush in

                     But I can't help falling in love with you

It was your first day at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. Though you aren't a youngster anymore you are indeed a teacher. And a damn good one at that. Being a mutant surely helps your situation. Your "gift" is the ability to walk through and manipulate shadows and you can turn into an ungodly large wolf. (think of 'Princess Mononoke') As you walk into the large foyer behind Beast you hear a soft voice in your head. -(y/n), it is nice to finally have you in my school. You are being led to my office to meet your fellow teachers. By the way, I am Charles Xavier. It is nice to meet you.- You walk up flight after flight of stairs and finally arrive at a set of large wooden doors. They ar opened and you are led into a large office. A middle aged bald man in a wheelchair sits behind a desk and two other people sit on the other side. "Hello(y/n), as I said before, I am Professor Charles Xavier. Please, have a seat." -This man is kind, he is good. You think softly as you sit. -I am pleased that you think so.- The professor smiles at you.You return the gesture and look back at the two unknowns. "(Y/n)this is Ororo Munroe, or Storm, and Scott Summers, or better known as Cyclops." They acknowledge you as their names are called and you muster small waves for them. "You have already met Hank, or Beast." He motions to the man that led you in."Though,there is one teacher that isn't here." Xavier looks at you,almost observing your reaction. A knock resounds through the room causing a bit of (h/c) fur to sprout on your arms. You have on long sleeves so thankfully, no one noticed. The door opens and a burly man walks in with an unlit cigar in his mouth. He is wearing a plad button down with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, faded jeans and scruffy boots. Xavier smiles when he walks in. "(y/n), This is the other teacher I was talking about. This is Logan Howlett, better known as The Wolverine." You look him up and down before forcing yourself to speak.

"H-Hello..."Your (h/l)(h/c) hair covers part of your face. Your bright (e/c) eyes are wide with curiosity and your pupils are dilated. (Supposedly your pupils dilate 80%(i think) when you look at something you love) He grunts as a reply.

"Logan,would you show (y/n) to her room?" He merely grunts again and starts to walk. You follow quickly behind, seeing that you are only about 5'3, and compared to him you are a legal dwarf. (I mean no harm. My best friends are short and i love them. We joke like this all the time.) You are practically running to keep up when he suddenly stops. You of coarse run right into his back and fall back with an "Ophff".

"Lookout Bub." He looks at you and waits for you to get up. Something you are having trouble with. You finally get up and look up at him shyly. "If you need anything this is my room. Doors almost always unlocked, if it ain't, it's best ya don't come in." You nod understandingly. "That's your room." He points across the hall at a door about three doors down. You nod again and wave as you walk away. You walk into the room that now belongs to you. You lay on the bed and sigh.

"Why is he so perfect...? Or are you just that weird?" You begin to unpack your things and when you finish you go down to dinner. You find your way to the dining room which is swarming with teachers and students alike. You get your food and look for somewhere to sit.

"(y/n)!"You look over to see Storm waving you over. You cautiously walk over to them with a small smile gracing your features. You sit and eat a little as you get to know the others. At one point you laugh so hard water comes out your nose and of coarse, who walks up but Logan.

"What's so funny Bub?" (yes, i'm using it as a name. Sue me) You look up and squeak. You jump out of your seat and throw your trash away and step into the nearest shadow. You end up in your room (As long s you know where you wanna go that's where you go.) on your bed. You sigh and fall asleep, that is, until a clap of thunder shakes the building and lightning lights up the sky.

Can't help falling in love. Logan Howlett X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now