Chapter 4

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I looked over at Tabitha and Naomi, giving each of them one more wave goodbye before walking onto the plane. I was finally able to tell Jack what was going on once my phone was connected. He wasn't thrilled with the idea of me going to a different state but he understood why I was going and was thankful that I would be having someone there with me; he had also made me promise to call him as soon as my plane landed or he would call the police. He had asked why I didn't just tell the cops what was going on now, but I didn't have a good answer for that; all I knew was that I needed time to look over those messages from whoever Axel was talking to and find out what else he had done and how many other families he had destroyed.

Tabitha had been nice enough to book my flight on the first class section, something I had always wanted to do, so it wasn't as crowded like the other sections. She had also put in a word with someone higher up that I was allowed to have whatever I wanted while on the flight and it would all be paid for. Viktor and his friend had come home just as we were about to leave; he seemed a little distracted about something and didn't talk much to Tabitha when she tried asking what was wrong. The most he said was that the house was ready, cleaned and painted and that I would be going shopping with Ashton to stock up on some food since there wasn't much there.

I took my seat and listened to the woman talk about what to do in the event of an emergency before putting my headphones on and watching as the plane took off. I never used to like heights when I was younger, but I was glad that I overcame it and was now able to look out the window at the view. The trees grew smaller as we went higher and soon enough we were completely above the clouds; a sight that I could describe even if I wanted to. I was so lost in the view outside that I hadn't noticed one of the flight attendants standing next to my seat.

I pulled my headphones off and smiled over at her. "I'm sorry about that, I was just caught up in the clouds; it's my first time flying."

She smiled back and shook her head. "No need to apologize; I remember my first flight like it was yesterday! Is there anything I can get for you? We have plenty of drinks and snacks if you're interested."

"Sure! I'll have a water and maybe a bag of sour cream chips if you have any."

She nodded once before walking away to talk to another passenger. The flight would last a few hours, giving me time to either sleep a little bit or read one of the books I brought with me. Reaching down I pulled up my bag and dug until I found the stack of emails and papers I had taken. Some of them were for fake passports, ID cards, and dozens of credit cards; all of them put under different names. Looking over my shoulder I noticed a man two rows back staring at me with a small scowl on his face. I quickly shoved the papers back into the bag, switching it for my sketchbook and pencils. Opening to a blank page, I let my hand take over and draw what it wanted.

The face of a person soon became clearer as I added more details, some subtle while others you couldn't miss. One of which being the shoulder length hair framing the face with soft curls while a set of intense, yet saddened, eyes stared back from the paper they were drawn on. I let out a small sigh and closed the book, leaning my head against the window. The flight attendant came back not long after with a can of cola and a bag of chips.

"Let me know if there's anything else I can get for you," she said with a smile.

I smiled back up at her. "Thank you, I appreciate it."

I took a small sip of my drink before resting my head against the window. Closing my eyes I tried to picture what it would be like in Bar Harbor. Tabitha and Naomi talked about a village like town surrounded by a large ocean with a blue sky above it without a single cloud in sight and birds flying overhead while the smell of the ocean and blooming flowers filled your nose. It had been years since I had been to the ocean or even had a little getaway trip; I just wished that this was a more pleasant trip. Dad had taken us to the ocean a few months before he died to celebrate Jack's acceptance into his first choice college, Mom was even with us then and things seemed like they were going to be fine; they had even stopped fighting for once. Putting my headphones back on, I closed my eyes and prepared to sleep for the remainder of the flight.

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