DM between Kono,Chin and Lou

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SuferChick has invited BikerDude and YouAllAreDrivingMeCrazy to the GroupChat

What's going on with mcdanno

SuferChick- guys what's going on with Steve and Danny?

BikerDude- I don't know this isn't anything like their other fights

YouAllAreDrivingMeCrazy- tell me about it. I just wish they would tell us what happened so we can try and fix it

SuferChick- How Much do you want to bet Cathrine has something to do with it

BikerDude- Now cuz I know you don't like her but you can't go blaming her

YouAllAreDrivingMeCrazy- Now chin she might be on to something we know Cathrine hates Danny cause all the time Steve spends with Danny

SuferChick- You know what I'm going to talk to Danny bye guys

SuferChick  has left the group chat

YouAllAreDrivingMeCrazy- and I'm going to talk to Steve

YouAllAreDrivingMeCrazy  has left the group chat

BikerDude- I guess that leaves me to handle Cathrine

BikerDude has left the group chat

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