Young Master --- Chapter Eight

Start from the beginning

Am I too gay for this? Nah. I hope not. 

I made my way to our home, and woah, WAIT----- jeez fuck, did I wake the whole house? Was there a party or something? Because all outdoor lights were lit. If this is all because I'm here, well this is fucking ridiculous. 

A woman in her mid-fifties came walking towards me. "Good evening Dr. Crusoe. Your timing is impeccable. Your father has just returned from a trip to Geneva."

I eyed her like "Are you serious?!" and laughed. "Gina, you practically watched this person from infancy to adulthood, in all it's awkward glory and I'm only gone for, like, a couple of years and you address me that way already? Really?"

"Well, you are a full grown man with achievments that you deserve. Including the title. It is my honor to address the man I took care of in such manner. I raised a doctor. Tell me, who would not be very proud to call you Dr. Crusoe?" 

"I can think of one..." I trailed.

At once, her expression looked worried and sad, "Don't let it get to you. You know how the situation is."

I smiled at her to make her less worried. "I know, I know. But seriously Gina, I'm not used to being called 'Dr. Crusoe' around here. Not by you, at least. Just call me the way you used to call me..."

"Oh you mean Young Master Neri?", she joked. I hated that whole young master thing. Makes me feel like I'm supposed to be some lame rich kid or something. 

"D'aww NO! No more 'young master'-ing around, please! Call me "Neri" like you used to!" We were both laughing. Gina has been serving our family for YEARS and if it weren't for her, I would have grown up to be an obnoxious, self-righteous prick.  

When things settled down for a bit, I took on a more serious note. "Where's mom?"

"Oh, uhh-- I believe she's at the master's bedroom already." 

I huffed. Showtime's about to start. "Okay, have to get going then. Nice to see you again."

"Neri, don't take it too hard, okay?" She told me soothingly.

"I'll try not to....I turned away but just as i was about to reach the stairs I forgot to tell her something.

"Gina! I forgot, please turn off the lights outside. It's too much, we're blinding the aliens in the outer space. Unless, of course, we're having a party." I winked and continued off to meet my dear sweet mother. 

The walk to their bedroom was long. I kept thinking how the size of this place is just ridiculous because of the number of rooms we have. It's like it was built to shelter the entire town or something. As a kid, I have always thought of Hide-and-Seek a very boring game because it always took a loooong time for us to find each other. In fact, it always ends up finding one asleep. What were they thinking, I mean really. Did they want to have this much members of the family? 

But on second thought, yeah, once upon a time, they actually did. 

I reached the bedroom and I reached for the letter I received earlier at  the back pocket of my pants. I stood by the door in a mid-air knock. Inhale, exhale. Right. Let's get this on. I raised my knuckles to finally knock when---

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