Ch. 2 14 years old

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My friends are always telling me to ask Blaykleigh out. I haven't told them I like her, I guess they can just tell. I plan to be her first kiss but I wanna wait until the time is right.

After school we go to this little stream in the woods that only we know about. She never fails to make me laugh when she's trying to walk across it on this fallen tree. One time she fell off and got her bright red converse muddy and her north face jacket was ruined. I gave her mine on the walk home. That was about a year ago and I still haven't got that jacket back. But I'm not gonna complain. She wears it to my football games sometimes.

Whenever I do something silly or stupid she always yells at me, "Sam!" In this really cute high pitched voice.

I think she likes this guy name Latin though. She's always talking and day dreaming about him.

As I'm walking out of school today I passed the corner by the gym. I had football practice right after school so I had to walk to the football field. I went that way because I didn't want to walk with my friends. They're always making fun of me because I'm too scared to ask Blayke out. When I walked by the corner I saw Blayke hugging Latin. Then she looked up and they kissed.

I ran away as fast as I could. I ran home. I couldn't go to football practice today. I went into my room and buried myself in the covers. Crying my eyes out. Blayke always came over at 5:10 everyday because football practice ended at 5 so I had time to get home. I'll have to try to get it together before she comes so she don't know I saw. I'm afraid that if she knows I like her and I'm sad about her kissing Latin that she won't wanna be friends anymore.

"Sammmmmmm!!!" Blaykleigh came in screaming at 5:10 on the dot.
"What's up Blayke" I answered
"You will not believe what happened after school today!" She said excitedly.
" What?" I acted like I don't know and tried my hardest to sound excited and happy to hear the news.
"I had my first kiss!"
"No way! With who?"
" Latin!" She screamed.
"O-M-G no freaking way!" I jumped up and down screaming and throwing my hands in the air. I do this to annoy her because whenever her and her friend Liv get excited they jump up and down and scream super loud.

For some reason after seeing her so happy I wasn't sad anymore. I guess being friends means that you should be happy for them no matter what happens.

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