Too Late

22 3 1

So, tell me how I did in the comments, heheh

That is what filled the room that a young boy sat in quietly. The room was a bedroom, but definitely not what one would think a twelve year old's bedroom to be. It was clean and neat, not a speck of dust left on the white floor or any other surfaces. The closet hid the neatly arranged clothes that the boy had that hung from hangers evenly, with a single pair of white Nikes set carefully under each pre-prepared outfit. The bed was white, like almost everything else in the room other than the abundance of books on a large bookcase. The books were disorganized and old, the covers peeling from the backs from how many times they were used and overflowing the bookcase with their numbers. They ranged from an array of colors and all of them were thick enough to the point where the boy and his small hands had to use two hands to carry them.
Who is this boy? Why our main character, of course. His name was Theo Hope, a boy and a myth to everyone except the nis government. The story went, one stormy night a small and brilliant boy was created in a lab. The two scientists who created this illegal life form were murdered in front of the boy, who barely escaped being murdered himself, if not for his cat who saved him and threw him into ship. As the legend went, they resided the rest of their days in that ship, hopping from planet to planet and between time periods. The only thing wrong with the story was that it seemed as though the government had given up on them, but they hadn't. Theo was still being hunted by Nis, for his being an illegal lab experimentation.
Theo sat with his eyes shut, legs criss-crossed, and taking deep and slow breaths. Open books were sprawled out on the neatly made bed that he sat on, a Bible in his lap. The light of the room was off, the only thing illuminating the room being the bright stars shining their bright lights through the large port-hole. The light hit his face perfectly, and one could see the blemishes appear on his face. He didn't have much acne, a pimple here, and there at the most. His body was small and scrawny, not much muscle on his bone. He had dark hair that fell in his blue eyes at times though that wasn't too bad. His skin was almost translucent, having never been outside in his life.
"Theo," a deep and smooth, almost silky, voice called his name, arousing the young boy out of his thoughts. Theo's eyes fluttered open and he looked forward at the black cat perched on his bed. The door to his room had just been opened and Theo saw the black hallways of his ship from the small crack of the open door. Theo pursed his lips and turned his attention to the cat who was like a father figure for him, staring straight into its emerald green eyes. His fur was black, but had a few streaks of grey in it from old age, though Theo wasn't for sure how old the cat truly was.
"Chip," the boy sighed, "I don't like my door open." The cat narrowed his eyes, "My name is Arthur, and you know I like your door open. One of the Ten Commandments that come from the book you are reading state clearly to listen to your parents." The boy smiled at this, "Well, that was written in the Old Testament, Sarah told me that a lot of that a lot of the things in the OT are not relevant in the New Testament, Chip." Chip rolled his eyes at this and chuckled, "Sarah is an A.I. If you really wanted to know the answer you should've asked me. I know a bit about the Bible."
Chip crawled over and Theo showed the Bible to him. "How can you read when it's so dark in here?" Chip asked Theo jokingly, trying to bug him. Theo chuckled as the lights came on, brightening the room immensely. "So what do you know about the Bible, Chip? Know how many biblia there are?" Theo pried the cat, trying to stump him. Chip looked at Theo and shook his head, "Twenty-seven in the OT and forty-six in the NT. Seventy-three in all."
Theo pouted and Chip patted his head with his soft paw, "It's alright, my son, but it's time for me to quiz you. How many parts are both halves of the book divided into?" Theo threw his arms into the air at the question and fell back onto the bed, "What kind of question is that, Chip?! That wasn't even stated in the book." Chip chuckled, "I know, I know. I was just messing with you, but the answer is 4 and the parts are Law, History, Wisdom, and Prophecy. Anyway-." Theo interrupted him, putting his hand up, "Wait a minute. What is that? Do you mean that the Bible has specific places where things go? Like one place is where the laws are and another place is where prophecies take place?"
Chip nodded, "You're a smart boy, Theo. That's exactly what I'm saying." Chip petted Theo's head again and the boy chuckled. "Now, let me ask you your question Theo, please?" Chip asked rhetorically and Theo raised his hand, palm first to tell the cat to go on and sat up on his elbows.
"Alright then, who were the first humans on Earth?" Chip asked as though the question was really difficult. Theo scoffed, "Adam and Eve, of course!" Chip nodded, "Then you know that they didn't have any written language while Adam and Eve were on the Earth, correct?" Theo nodded and cleared his throat, "They probably used oral tradition to pass down that story." Chip smiled his small cat smile, "Then do you know who was the person who made this story into a written tradition?"
This made Theo frown and think. He looked down, then back up at Chip, "I don't know, God?" Chip laughed a deep and hearty laugh. He shook his head and stared up at Theo, "No, my boy, the Big Man in the clouds did not write this story." Theo narrowed his eyes and raised an eyebrow in confusion, "Then who was it?" His voice broke slightly. Chip tilted his head, "I'll give you a hint of the author of Genesis. 'Ten Commandments.'" Theo jerked his head backwards, but then a light bulb went off in his brain. "Moses?" he asked, unsure. Chip nodded.
Theo's mouth dropped, "B-but, how do we know it was right? If a human wrote this, this explains a lot of the illogical and impossible things that happened in-." Chip interrupted him with a deep and warning voice, "Nothing's impossible with God. Remember that, Theo, and never forget it." Theo couldn't understand why Chip had suddenly so protective over this God when he hadn't taught Theo anything about it before now. He frowned and looked at the ground, "But how did Moses know what to write?" Chip smiled down at the book, "Inspirare. God breathed what Moses was to write into him. You must trust God this much, Theo." Theo nodded and sighed.
"You want another question, don't you?" Chip asked, his cat grin showing. Theo laughed and nodded vigorously, "Yes, please!" Chip nodded, "OK, OK, but after this one you're going straight to bed, understand mister?" Chip pointed his paw at Theo and Theo nodded. "What is the 'Canon of Scripture'?" Chip asked and Theo stared at him as though he were crazy. Chip chuckled, "You don't know?" Theo shook his head, a bit irritated that he didn't know. "It is the official list of the biblia of the Bible. Books like the 'gospels' of Mary Magdalene, Thomas, Judas, and others are not apart of the Bible," Chip explained. Theo nodded as the cat spoke and tapped his chin. "So, basically it's like the table of contents for the Bible? Then why are there more books in the Catholic Bibles than Bibles of other denominations of Christianity?" Theo asked, getting under his blankets.
"Well," Chip started after Theo was under the covers and he helped tuck him in as he spoke, "Those books in the Catholic Bibles that you speak of are the deuterocanonical books are books that the Rabbis excluded when they branched off of Catholicism." Chip finished tucking Theo in and hopped off of the bed. Theo yawned as he was extremely tired now.
"Chip?" Theo called as Chip bagan to leave the room and the lights dimmed around them. "What is it, Theo?" Chip asked warmly. "Do you think I know enough about God to make it to heaven now?" Theo asked, his eyes closed and almost asleep now. Chip chuckled, "Just trust in him and you will, I promise." Theo nodded and fell into a deep sleep....
Chip sat in front of a large window, watching as the Nis ships prepared to shoot Theo's ship. Sarah came alive. "Sir, the enemy has closed in on us. What shall we do?" the A.I. asked, its female robot voice calm. Chip sighed and let his head hang, "Nothing, Sarah, nothing at all...just take in this view...." A bright light engulfed the ship and Chip saw no more....
Arthur, his wings spread out, walked to the golden entrance gates, Gabriel talking to him the entire time. They stopped in front of it and Gabriel smiled at his friend happily. "I hope you like your surprise Arthur!" Gabriel laughed and flew into the air, flying away and making a booming noise with the speed he was going.
Arthur looked past the gates and saw a dark silhouette sprinting towards the gates. He heard familiar laughter and saw the arms wide open and stretching out towards him. Arthur's eyes filled with tears and he ran towards the laughing silhouette. "Chip!" it called his name and Arthur grinned, the once annoying nickname being music to his ears. Then, it fell through the clouds...a small scream was all Arthur heard and he fell to his knees, staring at his shaky hands...too late....


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