Scarlett's death was not an option for Daniel. His father dismissed his love for her as a passing thought. Glowering at the Seelie king, he could not mask his anger. A lifetime of his father's intimidation paled in comparison to the torment he felt now that the lives of Scarlett and the baby were in danger. A moment passed, then another. Finally, Daniel spoke.

"I won't do it. I won't give up either of them! I would rather die. I—"

"Death is a coward's way!" the Seelie king's voice boomed, drowning out Daniel's insolence. "You are royalty. You will fulfill your obligation to our Kingdom." His father paused for a second, staring malevolently at his son as if Daniel were a predator threatening to encroach on his prey, rather than his only heir to the throne.

"Dear, please consider—" the queen started.

"Enough! Bring me Scarlett and the baby. The Unseelie princess will be here soon. Our realm cannot afford another debacle."

Daniel looked from his father's cruel, unfeeling face to his mother, searching for her sympathetic expression, but her face bore no hint of empathy or kindness. The queen spoke; her voice dripping with royal authority, "Go now, Daniel. There is nothing left to do but follow your father's command."

Daniel stared, stunned by his mother's demand. "Mother, not you too," he said aloud, slamming his head on the icy prison bars in defeat, incredulity overtaking his being. He felt the grip of her hand upon his. Startled, he glanced up to discover that her countenance was resolute yet compassionate. His eyes beheld hers.

The queen glanced quickly at her fuming husband to see that his attention was not directed toward her. Narrowing her eyes at Daniel, she moved her head in the direction of where Scarlett sat holding the newborn baby and mouthed the words, "Trust me," hoping that Daniel would glean the meaning of her cryptic gesture.

Daniel nodded to show his understanding and strode quickly to Scarlett's side. As he approached, she raised her head; her pale-green eyes brimming with tears.

"It is time for Lucille to take the baby," he spoke softly, reaching for the infant who was tucked safely in the light-pink blanket. Scarlett stood and jerked her arm away from Daniel. Long brown-red strands of her hair concealed the baby.

"I will not let you take her from me, Daniel," Scarlett said sternly.

"Scarlett, please. It is the only chance she has."

Scarlett turned to face Daniel; her eyes piercing his. "I will not give up my daughter," she said slowly, unwaveringly. Her voice turned feral as she uttered the unthinkable. "If you want to take Katheena, you will have to kill me first," she warned through gritted teeth.

Daniel stood wide-eyed, searching Scarlett's wild eyes for the sweet girl he had married.

"Scarlett, Daniel, stop this at once," the queen admonished in a hushed voice. "You must come to me, now!" she insisted, motioning with her hand for them to draw near to her. The queen had made her way to the side of the ice bars nearest the young prisoners. She stood opposite the brooding king, who stood waiting for Daniel to comply with his demands.

Daniel and Scarlett moved behind the bars to where his mother stood, Scarlett guarding Katheena like a lioness defending its pride.

In a voice that only they could hear, Daniel's mother said, "I have a plan, but you will both have to trust me." The queen faced Scarlett and spoke assertively, "If you continue with my son in this foolishness, not only will you die today, but your infant will most surely die also."

Unaware by J.C. SpencerWhere stories live. Discover now