Persophone and The Pomegranate

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So I thought that because of the Winter Solstice coming up, this story would be appropriate. Also, I've been wanting to tell it for a really long time. It's probably one of the most well-known Greek myths out there, and I wouldn't be surprised if some of you heard of it. It's also the very first myth I read, so it has a special place in my heart. Without further ado, here is the story of Persophone and Hades!


Ok, so there are a bunch of interpretations of this story. I will be telling the more modern interpretation because I like it more and I think it's fairer on poor Persophone.

Persophone is the daughter of Demeter and Zeus, making her the goddess of springtime. Demeter loves her with all of her heart and never lets her out of her sight; even to the point where she treats her like a child.

Hades is the god of the Underworld, so his whole life revolves around staying in the dark and being away from people. Can relate. One day, he spots Persophone frolicking in a field. He is immediately drawn to her warmth and he begins to fall in love with her. So, he asks Zeus to consent to their marriage, and he's cool with it

While Persophone is hanging out with her Nymph friends, she gets distracted by shiny things and wanders off. Can also relate. Then, Hades pops out of nowhere and kidnaps her. So Persophone is pretty pissed and confused about the whole situation and hates Hades with all of her adorable little heart.

Meanwhile, above the surface, Demeter is frantically searching for Persophone. No one has seen her and she can't find her anywhere. In her search, she forgets to take care of her godly duties and the Earth begins to die. Yay?

So now we're back to hell! Persophone resents and avoids Hades at all costs. She cannot go back to the upper world because Zeus said that their marriage was ok, so she can't leave. Hades is sad about this because the woman he loves is upset and wants to leave him. So, he begins to give her gifts and stuff. Also, he does something that is rarely seen in Greek Mythology! He respects his wife as his equal and not just a toy for his own amusement! Who'd have thought! Because of this, Persophone begins to fall in love with him.

I'm also pretty sure he gives her a garden because she misses the surface and that's adorable.

Anyways, Demeter hears through the grapevine (pretty sure it was Hecate) that Persophone is in the Underworld. She asks Zeus to help her get Persophone back, but he allowed the marriage to happen so he can't do anything. Demeter is beyond pissed and refuses to let anything grow.

So people are dying and that's a bad thing. Zeus gives in and goes down to the Underworld with Demeter.

MEANWHILE! Persophone is getting pretty hungry. So in case you didn't know, the Greeks are EXTREMELY OCD about hospitality. Basically, you always invite people into your house, you are kind to them, you don't murder them, etc. One of those rules is that if you eat food your host gives you: you have to return to them someday. Or it was just some weird Underworld juju that meant that if you ate food from down there: you had to stay. I can't remember.

Anyways, Persophone didn't want to be bound to the Underworld, so she never ate. But she got so hungry that she decided to give in and ate four pomegranate seeds. At that moment, Zeus and Demeter pop down to the Underworld.

Hades says that she can't leave because she ate food from the Underworld, thus binding her there. Demeter threatens to make the world suffer and die if she doesn't get her daughter back. Zeus comes up with a compromise and decides that Persophone will spend four months of every year with Hades and the rest with Demeter. When Persophone is with Demeter, the Earth is warm and green; but when she's with Hades, the world is cold and dead.

And that explains why we have seasons.

Ok, let me explain the question you're probably asking. Yes, fall and winter are considered the cold months and combined, they make up six months. Well, I think the reason the myth says four is because the Greeks didn't necessarily have fall. It's warm, and now it's freezing cold. Idk, I'm not a weather or geography expert.

Moral of the story: don't piss of your in-laws? Idk.


So that's that! I'm super happy that I got to share this with you guys! It was the very first mythology story I ever heard, and the one that led me to become obsessed with myths in the first place. Also, Persephone and Hades are pretty much my Greek Mythology OTP XD. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to the next story!

P.S. We watched this video in my Mythology class. You're welcome.

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