Eboni And Marie

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I sighed shakily and wiped the newly formed tears with my sleeve; it was the anniversary of Marie's death. I looked down and placed a rare sunset rose on her grave. The rain poured as if crying over her death as well. I remember her funeral; it had been sunny, and for some reason, it seemed just to make everyone more upset. It was a closed casket funeral because of the gruesome mauling that occurred the night she was shot down. I was still recovering from a gunshot wound to my arm, and from the severe PTSD that followed months after everything...

No matter what, I can never forget the pain and horror that occurred over the three months Marie was with me. She was a sweet soul that got mixed up with sick people. Marie had gone out drinking one night with her friends and gotten too drunk. She never told me the details, but I wasn't sure I even wanted to know. All I know is that she would scream if you touched her and the pain in her eyes was evident when she looked up at me and said: " get me out of here, get me out of this country." And that's when it started, with just those words. It was all she ever said for a while, so I took two weeks off from my job at Saint Maurice Hospital, bought her a small house near my aunt in Canada and begun to drive her up. While I was helping her to my car, a man approached me.

"What can I do for you?" I asked skeptically. He looked around " Are you, Toni?" He asked, " Why?" I asked "look no time lady, we need the girl now," He said. My face filled with disgust "What?!" "I told you the boss needs her, and she never paid up for the drugs he gave her." My face showed horror and anger as I slapped him as hard as I could " Leave her out of this, this is extremely illegal so go now, or I swear I'm calling the police, no this is insane I'm not participating in these childish games." He swore under his breath and proceeded to push me back into the car. I fell backward and hit my head. The last thing I heard was Marie screaming.


I never wanted this. It wasn't supposed to happen. We just got drunk one night! I remember the night; I told Eboni that we were just going to get a couple of drinks, but it turned so horribly. We were dancing, and we had already had a couple of shots and some beers, then a man comes up to me. He was sweet, but then he put something in my drink.... I woke up the next morning in a strange bed with a blaring headache. He screamed at me that I needed to pay him immediately, that I had stolen his drugs'. I tried to explain that I had never done any drugs in my life, but he kept insisting. He slapped me and continued to abuse me because he didn't believe me and he wanted money.

After an hour of this, he scoffed at me because I lie on the ground like a pathetic morsel. He called someone who picked me and my clothes up and threw me outside. After lying there, I shakily stood and limped back to Eboni. She was going to be so mad but what more could I do? My parents were dead, and sure I had friends but no one like Eboni, she was like my sister. She was the only one I seemed to have left.

When I finally arrived, I fell at the doorstep and passed out due to sheer exhaustion. I slept a dreamless sleep; it felt like I was awake only half asleep and begging to be able to but just barely grasping my fingers around it. When I woke up, I was parched and numb. I just stared at the ground no matter how many times Eboni screamed and cried and sobbed trying to get me to say a single word. I just couldn't. I was in too much pain to move, to speak, hell it hurt to think! I just couldn't. But as she stared up at me with tears streaming rapidly down her face I couldn't stand it any longer. I could only whisper " get me out of here, get me out of this country."


I woke up at around noon. I didn't know how many days later it was, but it was a while. I frantically looked around begging to see Marie alive. She was choking on her own vomit, eyes fluttering shut. I tried to scream, to reach out to her, but nothing happened. Eventually, the gurgled noises stop, and her eyes were fully closed. I screeched sobbing, and the driver screamed " HEY SHUT IT BACK THERE, " but I didn't comply, I just kept crying. I refused to be ok with my best friends death. I didn't care what happened to me, I didn't care if they shot me, I didn't care if they dumped me out beside the road, I just wanted to sob, I just wanted to die. "I SAID SHUT IT!!" The driver screamed, I suddenly heard a bang that felt like it would explode my eardrums themselves and a white-hot pain bursting through my arm. As I slowly fell to the ground, all I saw was Marie choking and sitting there, lifeless.

Random Thing I Feel Like Writing boutحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن