Don't worry

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                 My hands shook as I grabbed the screwdriver, god how was I ever going to pass?? I pushed back my hair and looked at my table 'alright d-don' be a little bitch, j-just breath' I thought to myself picking up a random piece of wood. Suddenly, my hands tensed, I dropped the plank and froze. Everyone stood staring at me and I broke down. I crouched on the ground heaving from all the stress, suddenly a girl comes up. "Hey hey, are you ok Nick?" she asks me, I look up at her with tears in my eyes, she just smiles faintly and picks me up. "Here would you like some help?" she questioned smiling. I was ecstatic but.... I couldn't be a burden and my happiness dripped back into loneliness as I told her "I-I don't want to burden you, y-you still have yours to make." She just laughed. What was up with her? I don't even know this girl and wants to help me?? W-what is this a game, some joke??

                 " Oh don't be silly Nick" she told me "I already finished mine, besides I want to help you." I turned my head and thought, I couldn't let her think I was weak or needed help but I did. I really did need help, all this stress was getting to me. After a second she spoke "If you really don't want help I w-" "wait no" I said sullenly " I-I do need help, I have no idea where to start and and-" she hushed me and grabbed to planks of wood, "Here nail these too together" she advised me. Smiling a little, I grabbed the planks and started working. She did care, really really wanted to help, maybe just maybe.....

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