Alone ~ (xBasically)

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Age: 26
Warning: Angst

Request For: SpecialMoth9897


        The unhealed scars covered her wrists, an external voice to her internal anguish. Depression is the unseen, unheard, silent killer. It's the pain that's too much to cope with, too hard to deal with and so misunderstood. You can't escape it no matter how hard you try, because it follows you around like a black shadow that's on the inside, eating you.

       Tears escaped her pale e/c eyes as she had not dared to move. Ever since her boyfriend had left she had lost hope to live. Nothing would make her happy but one single soul..


        He was like her guardian angel, he was always there for her. Deep down she had feelings for him, she never seemed to admit it though. She screamed as her stress took over, she grabbed the plate she had on the table throwing it to the ground. She picked up a piece until she broke down crying.

'Why do I do this?'

'Why can't I just die already?'

'Just why, why can't I bring myself to do it?'

'I'm weak..'


        I heard a knock on my door making me jump. I stared at the time to find it a little late, who's there Another knock came before a gently voice came. "Marcel?" I let out a sigh of relief walking over to the door. My hand twisted the knob open to see the girl of my dreams, Y/n. I gave her a soft smile letting her make herself home. I let her stay the night as she left to the guest room for her to sleep in.

        I felt a little sad she left me in the living room but I had to hold my feelings in, after what happen I just need to keep them in. I've seen her boyfriend's social media, he left her.  I wanted to talk to her about it but I didn't want to hurt her more.

        I turned off the TV calling it a night until I heard something strange; crying? I began to hear movement until I heard a door open, I looked at the door to find it shut, the bathroom door?

         "Y/n?" I asked feeling uneasy, there was complete silence until I heard a creek, the stool. My feet silently backed away from the door until I heard a large thud. The hell? I tried to open the door only to find it lock so I busted it open calling Y/n's name.

        I cried out breaking the door to see her hanging just hanging there. I stood there before quickly rushing to her side and pulling her down, where did she find rope? "Y-Y/N?" "W-WHY?" My fingers rushed to her neck as I checked for a pulse; any sign of her possibly breathing.


"Y/n? N-No you can't do this! I love y-you.."

"I love you."


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