Tag One // The dragon becomes me!

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Ok, so this is the first Wattpad tag I have ever participated in...I have had a few tags since joining Wattpad, and have not had a place to put such things, so I made a "random" book for this sort of thing.

This is a tag from my friend t7lks1 .

// RULES //

1. Post the rules

2. Tag 13 people

3. Answer all 13 questions

4. Come up with 13 questions

5. You must respond (well, if you want to, I guess)

6. Tag-backs are allowed

7. Be creative with the title (make something up)


1: How did you find out about Wattpad?
Well, I think I found it via google because I wanted a place to write my stories and get feedback on them. But I didn't sign up then and there...and then t7lks1  told me she had an account, so after that I decided to go ahead and get an account.

2: What kinds of stories do you like/prefer reading?
I like fantasy - but not really the elfin kind. And sci-fi, of course. And mysteries. Oh, how I love a good mystery.

3: What kinds of stories do you like/prefer writing?
Sci-fi. Teen fiction. Mysteries too, but I'm still working on those.

4: If you could have one of your OCs become an official character, who would it be?
One of my OCs? Hmm...I'm guessing this applies to fanfics. I don't really do fanfics with OCs. Or fanfics in general.

5: EXTREMELY RANDOM: What are your thoughts on butterflies?
Butterflies!!! They are beautiful. Enough said.

6: If you were to dye your hair a bright unusual color, what color would it be?
Cotton candy without a doubt. Creamy white crown cascading into soft pinks and blues at the ends. If only I were brave enough to try...

7: Do you have any fandoms that you are a total geek about, knowing everything about it inside and out? If so, what fandom(s)?
Doctor Who. And I'm a pretty good Tintin fan - just watch me point out the Easter eggs in the 2011 movie that are from the comics.

8: What would you like to get or give for Christmas?
I would love to give my sister a photo signed by the incomparable Tom Baker.
As for me, I have asked for a horse since I was five years old...still waiting for that one.

9: If you had a school assignment to write a funeral scene for a favorite person or character, who would you choose?
Genji from Overwatch - but the scene would be written from Hanzo's perspective. (Also, that's why this tag is titled "the dragon becomes me" because I had to come up with a creative title, and I've been working on my Overwatch Genji plays.)

10: What is a vacation place you've always wanted to go to?
Holland, Michigan.

11: What's your favorite meal?
Fast-food: Buffalo Chicken Wrap from Buffalo Wild Wings. Home-cooked: Slumgullion stew.

12: If you could have an accent other than the one you have, what would it be?
Scottish. Or French.

13: Are you feeling lucky?
I'm not feeling un-lucky...

// Ok, my turn. Note: I have placed all of these questions in a comment to make life easier. You can copy them from there instead of typing them all out. //

1: If you could go back in time and write any book or series (Les Misérables, Hunger Games, The Bourne Trilogy, Sherlock Holmes...whatever you wish you had been the author(ess) of), which would you choose?

2: If you could speak - and write in - any language (besides your native language) fluently, which language would you choose?

3: How long have you been writing?

4: Favorite song to listen to while writing? (Any genre)

5: How do you overcome writer's block? (Or do you just wait until you have a lightbulb moment...no matter how long that takes to happen?)

6: Do you have a favorite pencil/pen that you write with?

7: Any writing goals for the New Years?

8: If you could go back in time to the Titanic three hours before it sank, what would you do?

9: What do you do/feel when you look through your past writings? Do you cringe, smile, laugh, cry, wonder if you should bury it in your backyard so no one ever sees it?

10: What is one story idea you have had in the back of your mind for a while that you haven't written out yet?

11: Do you write better on a device or on paper?

12: If you could step into any book or movie and become a part of that story (either as one of the characters, yourself or an OC), which one would you step into?

13: What is one TV show/book/book series/movie that you wish was real-life?

// And then there are the tags... //


Just saying, I could use a few more close friends here on Wattpad that I feel comfortable tagging, haha. It was so hard coming up with thirteen people. Thank goodness for tag-backs! I feel like I know so few people on here who would want to do a tag. ;)



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