Cold Shoulder

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I awoke with the sun blaring in my face. It's golden rays felt hot on my sensitive skin. I opened heavy lids slowly, furrowing my brows at how bright the day was. My hand automatically reached over to the pillow beside me, feeling nothing but emptiness.

I sighed with relief. It was satisfying knowing that i could have a few short moments to myself. I let my feet hang over the side of the ginormous bed, swinging them back and forth before planting them on the soft floor.

I sigh softly as i reach towards the sky closing my eyes and stretching my arms high above my head. Before i know it i feel two cold hands traveling the length of my arms down the sides of my breasts and to my hips. I stiffen.

My moment alone is gone. "I thought you left for work already." I say as he spins me around to look at him, he can already tell something is off by my hard voice.

"I couldn't leave without telling you goodbye, could I?" He palmed my hips, moving his hands in slow agonizing circles. My eyes fluttered and he smirked at my reaction.

"Yes." I mumble. He leans in to me, his hot breath on my ear. "Yes i could leave or yes to this...." He trails off as his hand moves lower and that's when i rip myself from his arms.

All he wants from me is sexual favors and i was not about to give that satisfaction to him.

I glared at him, removing his hands from my hips and walked towards the bathroom. "Yes you can leave." I say over my shoulder. I shut the door, leaning against it for support. I should not have done that. Lord knows what he'll do to me now. It's hard to control my attitude around him.

I look at myself in the mirror and flinch. My hair was a mess from sleep and my makeup was smudged. My eyes seemed dazed and glazed over, my body shivering from the after effects of his touch.

I turn on the faucet and stare at the stream of water as the steam rises and fogs up the mirror. What is gonna happen to me now?

Today is day number one. My official first day of my official new life. I wasn't exactly sure what he wanted me to do. Was I going to be a maid? I splash my face with the water, rinsing off the last of my makeup and turn off the faucet.

I look at the door, contemplating whether or not to leave. It's now or never. Well i guess i shouldn't say never. It's not like i can live in here.

I turn the door knob and step back into the bedroom, refusing to look up as the door behind me closes with a soft click.

"Are you done being a child now?" I hear the sharpness in his voice as he breaks the deafening silence. I nod slowly.

I feel a cool breeze as he swiftly rushes to me with his vampire speed, grasping my chin in his hand and tearing my gaze upwards. "ANSWER ME." He screams/growls in my face.

"Yes." I whisper, eyes widening impossibly bigger. "Yes what?" He demands. "Yes sir." I mumble.

He pushes me away from him and i stumble against the door. "From now on i expect you to refer to me as 'sir'. Understand?" He says as he turns away from me and heads towards the bed. This man had more mood swings than anyone I had ever met. Not that I've met too many people.

"Yes sir."

"Good. Here is the uniform that i expect you to wear at all times." He tosses me some fabric and i catch it easily.

The "uniform" (if you can even call it that) consists of a corset dress that had a black leather skirt and white ruffle sleeves that hung off the shoulders. It had a red bow in between the breasts and a long see through train behind it. With it were a pair of mesh gloves, lacy black thigh highs and black heeled boots. It looked like some kind of sexy pirates costume. I was not loving it. Especially since I had never worn heels before.

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