"I'm doing research," I spoke up as the elevator doors opened and we stepped to the back. Dozens of people shuffled in after Clark and us, and I was shoulder to shoulder, well more like shoulder to elbow. He towered over me.

"That's a lot of research,"

"I don't want to disappoint, so I did my homework," I told Clark.

"Doing research is always good, maybe next time only bring in one folder?" Clark joked nudging my elbow.

"Superman's been busy, and I wanted to be thorough." The elevator came to a halt, and the doors slid open.

"So you're who Perry's got to take over the Superman interview," Clark smiled at me. We followed the crowd down the hall, most departing for accounting before we reached our office doors.

"I'm surprised you didn't want to do it, Clark," we stopped at my desk, and he handed me the tray of coffee, "Thank you," He nodded and sat down at his desk across from me.

"I've never been interested in interviewing him," Clark said glancing at his computer screen.

"Oh, I guess some reporters aren't," I placed his cup on the corner of his desk and he smiled and thanked me and told me I didn't have to do that.

"Westmore," Perry barked from his office.

"Duty calls!" And with that, I quickly placed Lois' Danish on her desk and handed Jimmy his latte.

Perry was surprised as I handed him his coffee, "What's this for?" He asked walking back around his desk.

"It's a thank you," I responded sitting down.

"You're Welcome. Now the interview isn't until next week, but I hope you're doing your research," Perry clasped his hands over his distended stomach, and I nodded telling him I have.

"Good. All we need is for you to ask about Superman's recent savings and all the press time he's been getting lately,"

"I thought I was going to be able to ask about the battle three years ago,"

"That's already been covered, Ms. Westmore,"

"Yeah, by Lois two years ago. It's different now. People aren't seeing him in the same light, especially after what happened a few months ago in Khandaq. People are mad, and you saw that one vid, Perry," I rambled off, my hands flying everywhere as I spoke.

"Lois will print out the questions she wants you to ask. Maybe she already has those on there, you never know," Perry told me turning his attention to his email. He glanced up at me when I didn't move.

"I'm dismissed?"

Perry only nodded like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Back in the office, I found Lois at her desk, her fingers clicking loudly against her keyboard.

"Perry said you had typed up some of the questions you were going to ask?"

She pulled away from her computer and picked off the first folder in her stack.

"Everything you need is in there," Lois chirped her eyes snapping back to the screen, and I took that as a sign to leave her alone.

"Thanks for the Coffee, Annie. I'll be sure to treat you next time," Jimmy expressed as he passed me clapping me on the shoulder. I laughed at him and turned my attention to the coffee pot. Settled, I quickly checked my email and saw that I had a message from my mother.

'Hey, Annie!

I know you didn't want me to set you up on another blind date, but I have someone for you. Martha's son works in the big city too, and she said he's in need of a date or two! Like I always do(or don't) I'm not giving you his name so don't ask for it, it adds to the mystery! Martha says he's a catch, but he doesn't know it. So, he's a sensitive hunk who doesn't realize he's a hunk.

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