Chapter 1

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"Maria give me Mia" Mark said then drinks out of his beer bottle

Maria backs up holding Mia

"No!" Maria quickly puts Mia in the other room and let's Mark hit her until she can't

Mark leaves to get more beer Maria slowly walks to Mia she looks at her and sigh

She has to give her up because of her husband Mark who just wants to sell her for money. It wasn't right and Maria didn't wanted it.

She quickly writes a letter and puts Mia papers and everything at the button of the basket she puts papers and two diapers in the basket then sits Mia down in the basket.

"Let's go" she mumbles

Maria picks up the basket that has Mia she walks out the house and walks and walks. She saw a neighborhood.

It was a small one not a lot of houses around she sees a huge house at the end of the neighborhood she walks in front and sighs

"Seems like a great place for my Mia" she said and puts her in front of door she rings the doorbell two times then runs away.

She doesn't look back she continues to run and doesn't see who open the door.

Four boys were sitting on the couch laughing and talking

"Hao go get the door" Jun said

"Why me?" The Chinese ask

"You are the closest" Hoshi said Minghao mumbles a few curse words and get up from the couch then walks to the door.

The door is a clear one with a flower design on the door he peeks a bit and sees a brown basket in front of the door.

Must be a gift basket he thought

He unlocks the door he opens it and sees a two year girl sitting there looking around she was holding a brown teddy bear with a red ribbon around the bear neck.

He gets closer the little girl looks at him with her big brown eyes. He lifts up the basket and walks into the house and closes the door with his foot.

"Um guys" he said and sits the basket on the coffee table

"What the hell is this?" Jun ask

"She was in front of the door" Minghao said

"Let's call our leader he may know what to do with this girl" Chan said

"Did you guys kidnap a girl?" Jeonghan ask

"No!!! She was in front of the door" Minghao said defending himself

"Mm" Seungcheol said while looking down at the girl who was already in Seungkwan arms

"She so cute" Seungkwan said then sequel

"There some papers" Vernon said looking into the basket

He hands the papers to the leader. The leader unfolds a piece of paper that was stain with blood.

"I'm Maria the little girl mom. I have decided to leave her in front of your door. Whoever gets her please take care of her. I didn't get to give her a great home life. I can't rise her anymore. Her father wants to sell her for money and I saved her from getting sold. She wears diapers and is 2 years old. Her full name is Mia. Take care of her."

All the boys stayed silent and stare at the little girl who was now on Mingyu lap kicking around her legs. She was holding her teddy bear.

"Let's keep her" Seungcheol said

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