The Rake

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The first account of the Rake's existence was a mariner's log written in 1691, identifying The Rake by name. 

The next account, written in the 1800s, described the Rake as having hollow black eyes and being terrifying in nature. 

In 1964 a suicide note was written in which the author claims to have committed suicide due to repeated encounters with the Rake and the fear that the creature will torment him horribly. 

Currently, the most complete (and completely fictional) tale of the Rake was written in 2006. The story begins with her waking her husband up early in the morning. As she sat up to go to the restroom, she saw what seemed to be a naked and incredibly pale man, or even a large hairless dog, at the foot of the bed and gasped. The husband curled up when he saw the figure. After a few moments of this, in one fast motion, the Rake scurried to the husband's side of the bed and stared at the him for a moment. 

Seconds later, the creature ran into the children's room. It fled, covered in blood as the wife states, when the couple approached the room, leaving the mangled body of their daughter, who's last words were "He is the Rake." While the husband rushed the daughter to the hospital, he accidentally drove into a nearby lake and drowned with the daughter inside.

Several months after this horrible event, the woman began researching the creature she now identified as the Rake. Through her research, she noticed the pattern of repeated visits in the reports she read. Based on this, she began digitally recording her room each night and listening to the tapes during the day to find out if the Rake had revisited her. At the start of the third week, she heard the first signs of a visit in the form of a shrill voice that she immediately recognized. She did not know where she had heard it, but regardless, she knew the sound. She notes that " I [She] can't listen to it long enough to even begin to transcribe it." The woman was later found dead on her floor.Another encounter with the rake was in 2017 three girls sighted it inside a wood right next to their neighborhood in Austin Texas, what one of the girls thought it was was a cloaked man hunched over (the same girls eyes turned pure black after this encounter), another girl later thought it might have been a windico while the last girl thought it was a bush...later one of the girls found a video that had rake footage in it and when she showed it to one of the other girls they realized that what they had saw only a short distance away from them was the rake.

Thanks guys so much for 160 reads!! Oh my gosh! And 35 votes?!? You guys don't understand how much this means to me! Love y'all! 

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