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 {whoops..did lou win the ticket?}

Louis' POV


"Damn it,"

"Oh don't be a twat, at least you get to see him for a bit-" 

"Then leave for work-again. Why doesn't Steve bother Liam instead?" I protest as I carefully watch Niall and Liam clean up the living room rug from last night's drunk loco mania which I must admit, was epic. I've never seen Zayn go drunk before so it's a first for me. He jumped on the coffee table and with his hard ass combat boots and crazy dance moves, one of the legs literally snapped off which sent the drunk Zayn trembling down straight to the floor with slurred words.

No more drunk nights at my house anymore.

"Hey!" Liam replies, throwing a pizza crust towards my direction. "Maybe Steve just, you know, likes me?"

I roll my eyes, "Shh, Payne, no need,"

"Ahh, I get it! Nice one Louis!" Niall laughs, picking up the crust that was thrown at me and shoves it into the black garage bag that he's holding. Liam sighs to himself while I just pat myself on the shoulder randomly. It's kinda sucks watching your best mates about to prepare themselves to go to a concert with tickets that your future boyfriend gave them. While as me, I did win the tickets {luck was on my side and the crowd goes wild} but {huge silence} I can't go. {there goes the boos in the background}


Because of Steve. Yeah, the Starbucks boss.

I sigh and snap out the thought and decide to let it be. Obviously I will not let this one down.

"Whatever, just letting you guys know that picking up all these trash is your punishment by the way so don't complain about any shit," I huff and hop off the couch, slapping each of their heads which causes Niall to flip his middle finger and Liam whispering, "bug off,"

"Still want me to drop you off?" Liam offers.

"Yeah, lemme just fly all the way to Starbucks which is-like what? Five blocks from here. I'll just spread my fairy wings and fly over there," I flap my arms childishly and run around the room, pretending to hopelessly fly. Niall laughs loudly.


"I'm Louis, how can I help you today?"

"Um, I'll just get a double chocolate muffin and also a chocolate chip," the blonde haired woman replies, searching through her small brown wallet. Seconds later, she pulls out a five dollar bill and slams it rudely onto the counter. I'm taken back by the sudden movement so I whisper a 'thank you' and cash the money into the register and return her change which was only a dollar and fifty-cents. In return, she purposely leaves a small yellow crinkled paper on the surface and walks away with a smirk on her face and hands holding her muffins.

I scoff observing that she's probably 25 and hitting on a 20 year old who's not even good looking in his opinion and that's gay.

Snapping out the thought, my phone vibrates besides me violently, softly playing "Never Say Never" by The Fray. I begin to hum to the tone, fishes the device out my back pocket.


"They're amazing! Calum is really hot and so is Luke!"

"Um, Zayn, calm down!" I mutter quickly since I was still at the counter.

Zayn's voice lowers, "Your man ain't here yet. Where he at?"

I chuckle, "I worry about you sometimes and he's probably buying some coffee,"

Zayn replies," And I think about us having sex sometimes,"

"I'm not surprise. I'm too sexy ," I whisper.

"Hm, I strongly agree with that," a raspy voice says. A large hand with a few rings slips a $10 dollar bill on the counter  and I freeze.

"Zayn, I'm going to call you back," I hang up before he can even sputter a protest. 

"Well, pretty boy, are ya going to get me that vanilla frapp?"

Oh, the deepness in his voice is so so so so so damn sexy.

I take in a deep breath and glance up to the master sex god of holy sex gods. I slowly take in his features. Forest green eyes watch me carefully as his pink lips hold a smirk filled with playfulness. His hair is perfectly done-alittle wild-but perfect. He grips his green-which brings out his eyes- jacket.

"Louis Tomlinson, right? Username sstylesgeturassinmypants?"

Definitely changing that name.

"Yeah. You're Harry Styles. Username sstylescurls,"

Harry nods, smiling widely, "Nice to see a fan know my username inside and out better than me," He sends a small wink my way causing me to blush neck to toe.

Cheely child, Styles. Guess those facts were right.

"Yeah," I look down, suddenly finding my white Vans more interesting. Even though the smileys on them do indeed look amazing but let's be real here, Harry Styles is more amazing.

Get your shit together, Tommo

"Look, since others are obviously waiting for my exit and I have to catch a concert-" Harry eyes behinds me, indicating the screaming fans who are majority of girls, waiting outside shop, holding signs like 'Harry, Tumblr is me. You love Tumblr!"

I can't blame them. If I were a girl, I would put a sign like that and on that day, not a single shit will be given.

"-coffee meet up at my place? You decide the time and whatever. I'll be in Doncaster for awhile," Harry says, adding his famous smirk for the final finish.

How are you staying calm? Jesus, someone needs to take you outside with those girls and let them tough you up, man!

I ghostly nod at his offer but secretly, I'm squealing so loudly.

"Why'd you pick my friends then?" I blurt out randomly. Harry raises an eyebrow at the statement.

"Well," he starts. "One, I wanted to see you closely without anyone running in. Two, personally, I think you're attractive in my eyes. Highly."

I'm so happy that nobody's here to witness this conversation. I giggle-literally fucking giggle- and hand him his frapp. He takes it kindly into his large palm, slender fingers slowly wrapping around it, and sips it. I gulp as he pulls away the drink, leaving the white whip cream trailing on his upper lip. He licks it off painfully slow, smirks, and turns on his heels.

"Wait," He stops mid-way before exiting, holding his drink tightly. "Wanna take a selfie?"

Hahaha, I'm so not okay.


{yo guys hi hi hi hi um do you guys like this so far? any thoughts about harry? lol idk really like writing harry's part lol ok ok um bye leave me something lovely

bye babes eddiexxx}

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