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          I stared blankly at the bleak wall, my head slightly tilted to the side, no expression on my face

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

          I stared blankly at the bleak wall, my head slightly tilted to the side, no expression on my face. The bags under my eyes were becoming darker, getting less and less sleep. I sighed, hearing a small tapping at my door.

          "Kalani, sweetie, you have visitors." My nurse said, softly but sweetly.

          "I don't want to see anyone." I said, in a tone just above a whisper.

          "She speaks. Do you want me to tell them to go away?"

          I stayed still, not knowing whether or not to reject the unknown visitor. Before I could protest, Mackenzie appeared at my door with an attractive guy wearing the same leather jacket as Mackenzie.

          "We're official, Kalani. We're the Elites." She grins proudly, holding up a leather jacket, that matched her's and the mysterious boy's, in her hand. The back said Hilliker in bold lettering and on the bottom, it said Elites in small but visible print.

           "This is... um, Johnny." She turned a small shade of red. "Since Maddie is gone, the girls have elected me as their leader, and... um, I decided to tag Johnny along." She smiles slightly to the taller boy, shyly.

            I hadn't spoke or shown any expression the entire they'd been there.

            Mackenzie's smile fell. "Come on, Kalani! You have to do something! Show some emotion! Do something!"

            I was suddenly back to two weeks ago, when I had attacked Annie and passed out after. The last thing I heard was East yelling, "Do something!"

            Mackenzie shaking my arm brought me back to reality and I flinched away from her touch. "D-don't-" I couldn't spit out three simple words. Don't touch me. The stupid thing that had landed me in this hell was my outbursts and behavior. Mackenzie backed away, giving me a disappointed yet angry look.

             "Let's just go, John. She's no use." She spit out the words like venom, slammed my jacket on the floor, then turned on her heel and left, dragging Johnny with her.

             She's no use. She's no use. I couldn't help but over process those words. I thought that maybe, just maybe, those three words could keep me in this mental hospital longer than I was assigned. Am I a lost hope? I began to cry, leaning against the backboard of my 'bed,' pulling my knees to my chest and burying my face in them.


              The girls didn't bother visiting me. Even before Mackenzie, they didn't care about me. They thought I would do the same thing to them that I did to Annie. They were scared of me. They saw me as a monster. East does visit me once in a while, but they are rare. She claims she's busy, but I think that's just an excuse to not see me.

                So much for the Elites's stupid rules. Protect one another, stick together. That all went to the trash once I had beaten someone up. I understand though, my mental health isn't the best and I don't talk anymore, except to this nice girl, Maisy, that I have met here in this hell hole.

                "Come on out, Kalani. It's Fun Friday!" My overly preppy nurse said, opening my locked door, holding it open for me. I would lose track of the days if it wasn't for my nurse, Amelia, who would remind me constantly if it's Taco Tuesday in our cafeteria or Fun Friday in our game room.

                 The only reason I haul myself out of bed for Fun Friday was because it was one of the only days I could talk and hang out with the only social interaction I get, my new found friend, Maisy. She got thrown in here because of the same reason I was, behavior and outbursts. Her condition was more severe than mine. She got insanely jealous easily and had apparently beat up her best friend's friend for hanging around her too much. It cost her her best friend, and landed her in a mental hospital, but the poor girl couldn't control it.

                  "Maisy." I smile weakly, seeing the beautiful blonde appear in my line of vision. She had a blank expression to her face, the tips of her lips leaning towards a frown.

                  "Who were those two blondies from yesterday?"


                  She looked unimpressed with my answer, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow. She sighs, "Whatever. Now, what are we playing today?"

                  "Battleship?" I suggested, pulling out the box.


                  Maisy ended up sinking all of my ships, meanwhile I only sank one of hers. "How are you so good at this?"

                   "I'm just good at sinking ships."

Elites ♛ kbhΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα