Three ♡

712 37 10

I plopped down on my bed and looked through Twitter.

"Nothing new," I grumbled.


Hey. . .

I saw this and instantly hut reply.

Hey there!


I miss you.


Lies. You don't even know me all like that...


...So...? Hey, are you able to come to the mall?


Yeah. Meet me in front in 20 minutes.


it only takes 10 minutes, yo! Me:

Shut up.

I put my phone down and changed my clothes, redid my liner and found my Vans.

"See ya!"

"Where are you going?" Daisha inquired.


"Leave that man alone. He don't want you."

"Go fuck a duck."


I got out of my car,smiling as I saw Morgue's blue eyes staring at me. He opened his arms for a hug and I gladly walked into them.

"Hey," he smiled.

"Hey. So what are we doing?"

"Well, we can go shopping," he offered, dropping little hints.

We walked inside,talking about something I didn't really care for, but being the nice person I am, I nodded and smiled,adding a few comments on what he had to say.

Our first stop was Spencer's. He slowly walked towards the back while I darted to it. I come to Spencer's for one thing.... The back of the store.

"Hey,slow poke. What took you so long!?"

"I was looking at other things... Unlike you, I save the back for last."

I picked up a rubber swatter and waved it around,"Imagine this flying at you! This would hurt."

"Look, a stripper pole... I wonder if this would fit in the room."

I took it as he was thinking out loud and I looked at the vibrators. Morgue walked up behind me, placing his hands on my shoulders,"You don't need that."

I turned to look at him, a bit confused.

"You don't get it do you?"

I shook my head,"Is this a date?"

"Only if you want it to be," he stated calmly.

I left it at that and put the vibrator back,reaching for his hand,we walked out of the store.

The next stop we made was to JCP since I needed a few things from there.

"Hey, do you think Murrugun would wear this?" I asked, holding up a sundress.

"He might. He has the legs for it."


"I had fun," I admitted.

"Me too," a small smile appeared on his face as he said it.

I kissed his cheek and went into the car. Tonight was perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2014 ⏰

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Freak Is Just A word: A Mister Morgue Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now