Part 2: First Kills

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3rd Person POV

You were standing on the bridge in your newly acquired sith uniform and eyes ((pic above)) and your looking at a planet that looks like it has been through lots of wars

Droid: five minutes until we arrive

You: good. My master would hate if I would not return.

Droid: uhhh. Right

You are still standing there impatiently. Just wanting to hurry up but you know you can't always fight even though you love fighting. And your wish came true. You arrived at the outpost

You: excellent. Captain. Order your droids to attack the outpost. Leave the Jedi to me

Droid: roger roger

A few minutes later you jumped off of the ship and walk near the entrance and see two clones standing guard

Clone: you there!? Who are you!?

You: me? Call me

You put your hand on your right hip where one of your lightsabers are and they aim their weapons

You: *pulls down hood* Starkiller

Before they do anything you hold out your hand and choke both of them and hold them in place before they could alert anyone and you smirk and clench your hand breaking their necks and then press your communicator button

You: captain. Start the invasion

Droid: roger roger

The droids start to land along with super battle droids and droidekas and they all start shooting up the place, destroying their transports and making all the clones come out and start firing back along with the two Jedi.

The droids start to land along with super battle droids and droidekas and they all start shooting up the place, destroying their transports and making all the clones come out and start firing back along with the two Jedi

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((The one on the right is the master and left Apprentice))

Master: stay close

Apprentice: yes master

They start destroying droids and blocking blaster bolts but the droids stop and move back


Master: no

By then you walk out among them and you look up with your fiery sith eyes

You: well hello. Nice to meet you

Starkiller Male Reader X Ahsoka TanoWhere stories live. Discover now