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November 2016

"You want to do what?" Rob asked totally stunned by what his wife wanted him to do. "No way. You do it alone." He vividly shook his head.

"Come on. It doesn't even hurt."

"Sure." Kristen heard his ironic tone and laughed. Thinking she will go nowhere with him right now, she changed the subject. The idea was planted in his head at least. They kept going on their walk, enjoying the beautiful landscape around them.

Rob took a shower that night to relax after their long day sightseeing around Auckland. Drying his hair with a towel, he walked into their room and looked for the time on his phone.

"I got an appointment for tomorrow." Kristen voice reached his ears and he furrowed his eyebrows wondering what she was talking about. Looking in her direction, he got it from the simple fact she was biting her bottom lip. "If you don't wanna do it it's okay. But that means a lot to me, and to do it here brings even more meaning to it." She explained softly.

"Isn't it kind of cliché?" Rob sighed and let his towel fall on the bed.

"No one will know anyway." She shrugged.

"Depends where it is." He stated back looking at her skin displayed from her tank top and shorts.

"Only you will see it then. At least come with me at the appointment, okay?"

"I'll come." He nodded. Walking to her he lifted her legs and sat down on the couch putting them back on his lap. "Your love for me will always amaze me."

"I promised to love you forever."

The next day, they found themselves into a tattoo studio. Kristen was looking at a wall where each tattoo artists showed off their art. It was really fascinating for her. Rob was observing her and thinking about her proposition. In a way it was really tempting.

"Hey guys." A tall asian man said.

"Hey." Kristen said back while Rob waved and stood up. "I called yesterday."

"Right. Yeah. I remember you." He smiled and showed them to the open station. "You want some lettering? That's cool!" He got out some material on a desk and Kristen and Rob sat.

"I'd like my husband to write it, if it's possible?" The man nodded. "Would you?" She asked Rob.

"You want my writing? Uh okay." That surprised him because he never considered being good at writing and Kristen wanting this was crazy. But he would do it.

They talked for a few minutes and Rob started to write several times Kristen's tattoo. The best of him was the only option for his wife. Once they all settled on the lettering, Kristen got ready to get her love for Rob on her body. Laying down she pulled her top up and watched with attention the whole process.

"So you guys are here for a honeymoon?" The man was genuinely asking them and being nice. "It's pretty here isn't it?"

"Yeah. We got married two weeks ago." Kristen was smiling remembering how wonderful their time as newlyweds in New Zealand had been so far.

Her tattoo was easy and took less than ten minutes. Cleaning the ink away, the man glanced at Rob.

"Are you next?" Kristen stayed silent looking at Robert. "Your wife is a romantic one." He winked and rolled away on his seat to throw away his gloves then grab some cellophane to wrap around the fresh tattoo.


"What?" Kristen choked out.

"It was so mesmerising watching you do this. And I've been thinking about it since you asked me. Wanna write it?" Kristen stood up and went to peck at his lips. "Is it okay to do it now?"

"Of course. I love some romance." The tattoo guy smiled and got new clean material for Rob.

The same ritual happened but this time with Kristen's handwriting and Rob anxiously laying. He never got a tattoo before, unlike Kristen. The pain was not what scared him, it was the apprehension of the unknown. Holding his wife's hand, he also got her mark on him forever.

"That's really sweet what you did for each other." He said after putting some cellophane on Rob. "My job's done here. Hold onto this promise." He winked and Kristen chuckled.

Since day one she had been keeping promises after promises. And this one was the easiest. The promise to love him forever. To always be in love with each other.

July 2017

Los Angeles summer heat was getting the best of Kristen. Whether she was a californian born and raised, her body couldn't care less. Being uncomfortable was all she knew these days.

"Here." She looked up from her sunglasses and moaned when a huge glass of fresh water was handed to her.

"Thank you." Her lips wrapped around the straw and she drank half of her drink in a shot. "Man, I wished we were in England right now. Anything to be away from this unbearable heat." Rob chuckled and sat down at the end of her transat taking her feet on his lap.

"No, you don't. That's your hormones talking."

"And that's your kid ruining my summer." She whined before taking another sip of her water. "Next time can we have a winter baby?"

"Already thinking about the next one?" Kristen rolled her eyes behind her sunglasses, knowing Rob would know anyway. "She will come soon."

"Now would be nice."

For the past week Rob had to handle Kristen's antics over the end of her pregnancy. Sometimes, like right now, it was really entertaining. And others it pained him to see his wife unresting. But, in the end they both knew it would be worth it.

The road since they got married almost a year ago, was wonderful. Not perfect, because life never was. But Robert and Kristen were happy. As he had promised the night before their wedding, their life stayed the same. Still in love and supporting each other. Also speaking up their minds, that could often end up in arguments.

That was what they wanted.

Now, they were once again starting a new chapter. Being parents was gonna be their new goal. Looking at his wife, hair up in a bun and a sweet smile on her face, Robert was remembering their honeymoon at the other side of the world. Away from everything. Three weeks of pure joy. And those magical weeks gave them the best gift. Their unborn daughter.

Kristen couldn't believe it when in January she realised she was pregnant. She didn't thought it would happen so fast. But that was one of the best day of her life. She considered herself the luckiest woman ever, and she never took it for granted.

And luckily for them, two days later they were welcoming the newest member of their family. A cute daughter. They were cherishing her and fell in love from the moment she screamed at being thrown into the world.

Rob had tears in his eyes watching his wife with their newly born daughter. Even exhausted Kristen was beautiful.

"Our honeymoon baby." Kristen whispered smoothing her finger over her soft cheeks. "Ruby."

"Ruby Isla Pattinson."


The End.

Thanks to everyone who was part of this journey. After 'Emergency' I needed a lighter story to write, to give a bit of love and magic. So, thank you for every comments and votes.

Lastly, CreativeStoryteller I hope you liked my surprise for you 😘💙

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