3| Loved

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A/N : Triggering content in this chapter. So everyone under 18 should leave. And if you want to read it anyway, well at least you are warned. I'll put asterisks before and after, so you can skip if you want.
It was past midnight when the couple finally got back to their hotel room. As a ritual, Kristen took a long hot shower, washing off the cold of Paris and the stiffness of her long day. She got out and took a towel, wrapping it around her body. She joined Rob on the bed, where he was eating food from room service.

"What are you gonna do when I leave at the end of the week?" Kristen asked Rob.

"I think I'm gonna go see my parents." He answered after finishing a bite of his food. "You know, get asked the same questions over and over again about a certain date we have to set." He looked at her intensely. For that one second, she got lost in his wonderful blue eyes.

She sat up, holding the towel tightly to her body and sighed. She tucked her wet hair behind her ear. "I know. Fuck."

"Don't worry about my mum, baby." He reassured her and went back to his late dinner.

"It's hard to when she texts me almost everyday about it." She grabbed her phone next to his and showed him the recent texts. "It's your fucking fault!"

"What?" He mumbled around a mouth full of food. He swallowed before speaking up again. "She's just happy for us." He read the texts and laughed at them. "I'll talk to her." Softly he kissed Kristen's lips several times. "But I'm not sorry to have asked you to marry me." He whispered, staring into her green eyes and seeing all the love she had for him.

In a rush, Rob ditched his plate on the rolling tray. Kristen's eyes went from love to hunger for his body. They needed to touch each other. The night before was nice and sweet retrouvailles, but now they wanted the deep, hard loving - to become one. They needed it, especially after more than a month with no physical contact.

He grabbed the knot of her towel, kissing at her collarbone. "Tu es la plus belle femme au monde." He heard Kristen moan. Her hands were tugging at his hair so much. Her body responded, trembling beneath his kisses. But moreso, it was his voice. "J'ai envie de toi." Kristen felt like melting at every word he ushered to her ears. She had absolutely no idea about what he was telling her, and gave absolutely no fucks. She knew it was the most wonderful things ever anyway, only because he was the one telling them.

"I love you." She said to him out of breath. There was nothing more her brain could comprehend. She was hungry for him, for more, for his love deep into her.

Rob made his way to her mouth. He laid her on the bed, straddling her, still grasping the towel. Slowly, he let it open. He stared shamelessly at her magnificent body.

"Ce soir tu es toute à moi. Je vais t'aimer toute la nuit."

Kristen was shivering, but not from the cold. She wanted him now. She was impatient, but still ready to listen to him talk to her like that all night long. Her body and soul were at his mercy.

She grabbed him by the neck and attacked his lips, she was a fury for his love. Of course Rob gave in to her intensity, still letting his hands wander off on her body. He went from the smoothness of her neck to the swell of her breast. They were pointing out to him, calling him and that was such a temptation. Stopping their kiss he bent down to them, planting soft kisses. Kristen immediately moaned back at him. Her body was overheating way too fast, and grinding against Rob, still covered body. Her hands tightly gripped the sheets. She couldn't believe how fast she was in her pleasure. Only him was able to turn her into a puddle of love, a doll for his desire. Every kisses he inflicted on her nipples drove her crazy, he always love to worshipped that part of her body, and he excelled at it.

Parisian Nights (Robsten) [Complete]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora