"Haha! What happened to you?" she asked, fixing her hair in the mirror next to me.

"Um, nothing. Just messing around in art," I replied quietly.

"Oh wow. I thought you tried to do your make up for the first time or something, and if I was right, it really wouldn't be a horrible job, considering how gross your face looks without it," she said, giggling.

"What do you mean..?" I asked.

"I mean you should start covering your face up, I don't know how you have friends without wearing make up or something," she said, now washing her hands. 

"Oh-" I stopped when she looked back over at me, and sighed. 

"Okay here, let me help". She finished cleaning the rest of my face for me. I flinched or jumped every time her hand came near me. 

"Woah, chill," she said with a laugh.


She pulled a few things out from her backpack. She started lining my eyes gently. I only stood there, terrified of her stabbing my eyes. She picked up her mascara and told me to look up. She painted my eyelashes with the black goo. She finally painted across my lips with a clear lip gloss. 

"Alright," she began, closing the lip gloss cap and putting everything back into her bag. "It's not much, but you look at least a little better". 

I turned to see myself in the mirror, and touched my cheek. The make up felt heavy on my face, and I was afraid to smear it. 

"A 'thank you' would be nice," she rolled her eyes. The bell rang for the end of the day. "Whatever, bye, Lillis," she walked out of the bathroom with he bag. 

I hated what she put on my face. I didn't mind how it looked. I looked better with it. Even Millie said I did. I just hated how it felt. I felt like I couldn't move my face. I shook my head, clearing my thoughts and picked up my bag, heading for detention. 

I sat down near the back of the class, and slouched in my seat, still thinking about my face. I looked up and saw Jaeden and Wyatt walking in. They sat next to me, on either side of me again. 

"Hey guys," I said, and put on a smile. 

"Hey," they both said. They both had bits of paint on them still. 

"Are you wearing make up?" Jaeden asked, close to my face.

"NO WAY!!" I heard a voice. It was Finn and Jack. 

"Finn!" the teacher yelled. "Shush it!" 

"Sorry," he said, guilty. "You guys have the same detention as us?" he asked, smiling. 

"I guess," I said. 

It's only been 30 minutes and I was bored out of my mind. The room was silent, which I of course enjoyed. 

"I think it looks good," Wyatt whispered to me. I looked over at him.


"The make up," he said. 

"Oh," I forgot I was wearing it."Um, thanks". I replied, with another smile.

"I don't think you need it," he added. I looked up at him again. 

"You don't?"

"Of course not. Why? Did someone make you wear it?"

"I guess, but Millie said I looked a little better with it than I do without," I said softly.

"Who's Millie?" He really did sounds concerned. 

"No one, never min-" I was cut off by Finn.

"She's this bitch that thinks she's better than everyone else," he said, loud enough for the whole room to hear. (don't worry I love Millie. This is just her character <3)

"Jesus, Finn. Say it a little louder next time," Jaeden added.

"I don't know who Millie is," Wyatt said. "But you don't need what she put on you".

I sat in the girls bathroom. I was sitting against the wall near the sink with my knees tucked up to my chest. I'd been crying for a while, 15 minutes maybe. I heard footsteps walk by outside the bathroom. I held my breath, praying it wasn't Millie, or one of her friends. 

"Sophia? Are you in there?" A voice called. It was Wyatt. The hell was he doing still at school? Detention was over. 

I heard the footsteps walk into the bathroom. I looked up at saw Wyatt looking down at me. 

"Sophia, what happened?" he asked, squatting down next to me. "Did Millie do something?"

"No- no. She didn't do anything," I gulped. "All of this shit on my face is pissing me off".

"Why don't you take it off?"

"Because, literally every other girl at our school wears something to cover up their face," I said between sniffles. "And I can't just not wear it without getting a weird look from someone, or worse". "I can't wear it at home or my dad will-" I paused, remembering what he did to my hand. I then closed my hand, hiding the circular burn mark.

"Or your dad will?" he asked.


He grabbed both of my hands and helped me stand up. He reached for a paper towel and got it wet under the sink and handed it to me. I held it for a minute and gave it back to him. I shook my head.

"No, it's okay. I just want Millie not to have a problem with me, so she'll finally leave me alone," I said, facing and leaning against the sink. I looked up into the mirror and watched as he tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around, now facing him. I closed my eyes as he began to clean the make up off my face. 

"You don't need it," he repeated, wiping my face one last time. I smiled a half smile. He opened his arms for a hug, I took the hint and wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled me into the hug. We then heard a camera click. I spun around and saw Finn holding his phone up at us, laughing hysterically.

"fiNn whAt tHe fuCk!" I yelled.

Wowie. This was kind of a sappy chapter, but it was still sweet :))

daddy issues ~ sophia lillisWhere stories live. Discover now