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My hands gripped the book tighter, not willing to release it from my grasp.

"Just give me the book already Scarlet, it's not a big deal."

I bit my lip, pouting "It's my diary Chloe, just because we're twins doesn't mean we should share everything"

That's right, I pulled the twin card. Her weakness.

She sulked, "I just wanted to finally see proof that you liked Lu-"

I put a hand over her mouth, hushing her loudly.

"Shh! People might hear you!" I said in a terrified whisper, and she promptly bit my hand.

"Ouch!" I yelled and looked at her with a betrayed glare.

She then grabbed the diary out of my hands and took off running, I gasped and took off after her.

"Chloe!" I yelled at her as I tried to keep up, she looked back briefly and smirked, before running faster.

"How does she manage to run that fast?" I cried out in exasperation, and turned the corner after her, only to trip on a loose stone.

My knees scraped against it and I winced in pain.

A woman nearby noticed my fall, and she rushed over to my aid.

"Miss Night! Are you alright?" She more or less yelled in my ear, and I nodded slowly.

"I'm fine, but-" I stopped speaking as I noticed something weird.

"But what? Do you need an ice pack? I can get you one Miss Night." the lady droned on, clearly fearful that she'd lose her job if I wasn't treated immediately.

I shook my head and stood up, then walking towards the balcony I looked at the mysterious object closer.

"What is that..." I trailed off looking at what appeared to be a ship, or something close to that.

Chloe was nowhere to be found when the sirens started going off, and yes I mean literal sirens.

"Oh dear, Miss Night we must get you back to your parents." She looked off to the side for a moment, "Those sirens can only mean one thing."

I looked up at the older woman and tilted my head, "What does it mean?"

She shuffled uncomfortably, " I probably shouldn't be telling you this. Given you're so young and all. But," she bit her lip. "It means that there was an invasion of the castle."

My eyes widened and I took a step back, stumbling a bit. "I-invasion of the castle?"

She nodded grimly. "Afraid so, my dear."

"Then I have to find my sister, she was just here a minute ago," I said scanning the area, Chloe still nowhere to be found.

"That won't be necessary Miss Night," her voice turned bitter, and I looked back hesitantly.

Only to see that the woman helping me was holding a knife, a wild look in her eyes.

It made her look like I was her prey, and she was ready to pounce.

"Y-you!" I stuttered out, not exactly sure what to make of her. Besides being afraid, I knew nothing about her intentions, only that they were most likely murderous.

The woman stepped closer, drawing in near my face.

"No sense in formality now Scarlet, might as well jump right to the good part."

I narrowed my eyes, "I don't see anything good about threatening a twelve-year-old with a knife."

She tsked, "Well, for one thing, I get to hear the satisfying scream of the daughter of the people who made my life a living hell for years. Treated me like a slave, made me wait on their bratty kid's hand and foot, with no thanks provided!"

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