Don't tell him - 6

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New part.

Zane woke up like he does every morning, not knowing this will be special day. He puted on some nice clothes and went downstairs for breakfast. Garroth and Laurence were both there. Laurence was eating cerials and Garroth yogurt. Zane just grebbed an apple and didn't even sit down to eat just went back to his room. Soon he got messenge from Travis. He wanted to meet Zane in park nearby. Zane left the house with out telling Garroth Where he was going. Garroth usually makes him tell since he is bit overprotrctive. It was snowing since winter was already coming. Zane didn't even notice the snow he was just thinking why Travis wanted to meet him. He was so confused about it he didn't even notice he had arrived to the park. "Heyyyy~" Travis winked at Zane shooting him with finger gun. "hi. So why did you want to meet me here?" "Well I have something I want to ask you." "What?" Travis was really nervous. What he was about to ask was really important question to him. "Well... I was wondering if y-you wa-nted to be my.... b-boy---friend?" "What?! I mean I do like you but- Actually Travis. Yeah, I would love to" "Really??" "Yeah" Travis kissed Zane. "We gotta tell the others!" "Oh no I forgot!! Garroth is going to kill both of us. But mainly you." "What if we just don't tell him?" "Okay" Travis grabbed Zane's hand and they walked out of the park. Sometime later Zane was laying on the floor thinking about Travis. He heard knocking from his door. "Come in!" Zane yelled while getting up. "Aphmau?" "Hi Zane!! I heard the good news!" "You did?" "YES!!" "I had to come see you!" "Ok" "Whats with all of that noise coming from upstairs?" Garroth wondered. He decided to go ask. "Hey guys, Why are you being so loud?" He asked and went into Zane's room. "Oh you Don't know?" "Know what?" "Zane and Travis are da-" Aphmau was intorupted by Zane. "APH NO! DON'T TELL HIM!!" "Don't worry you can tell me Im your brother" "Yeah Zane just tell him" "Ummmm... okay. Me and Travis are dating." "WHAT?! I mean That's great Im gonna go kill Trav- I mean tell Laurence the good news." Garroth left the room. "We should go save Travis." "Yeah I suppose"

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