"Well, it's a good thing that I have got this." He replied, taking out a piece of parchment.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Watch this." He said something to the parchment, and it started turning into a map.

"It's Hogwarts," I said.

"A map, and it shows everyone." James was beaming.

"Where on earth did you get it?" Molly had her hands on her hips. She looked horrified by the fact that James had this. "You are going to get us in so much trouble. Did you take it from Filch?"

"No, took it from Dad's office. Mom saw me do it but let it slide, said that it was my grandfather, that he helped make it. She said that I should show Uncle George; he would be proud." 

"Aunt Ginny didn't even get mad?" Molly dropped her arms to her side. Apparently, if she wasn't angry, then Molly shouldn't be either.

"I am just going to use it to get some of Uncle George's stuff inside the castle, is all. Completely harmless. If I get any detentions this year, I have to give it back to mom. That was the deal we made."

"Well, so far, you are doing better than first year and second year. Perhaps this will help you stay out of trouble." I laughed and picked up my pace; it was chilly out for early October.

"That is the plan," James replied, catching up to me. Molly, however, was still standing in her spot. 

"She really didn't get angry?" She had finally caught up with us.

"Nope." was James' reply.

"I doubt that." Molly seemed so sure of herself.

"Mol, James wouldn't lie about that. I have seen him get yelled at plenty of times. He owns up to what he has done." 

"Fine, but I am going to ask her about it the next time I see her."

"Well, that will be at the first match, Molly. They are letting parents come and watch now." James looked proud. We had both made our respective teams. I was a chaser and James, a seeker. He was quite good, and Slytherin was facing Gryffindor in two weeks. 

"Right, I forgot that the two of you were going to be playing one another. Please do your best not to be hit with bludgers. Please." She sounded worried.

"We will be fine, Molly, Scorpius is great at flying, and I am even better." James was boasting and laughing at his own joke.

We had finally arrived at Honeyduke's and were going in when James stopped.

"What now, James?" Molly looked impatient.

"I don't want to go in there. I'll be over there, Molly, in Uncle George's new shop." He looked terrified.

I turned around and realized why. Standing by the chocolate frogs was Marcus Flint. Dad had told me that he had been let out of Azkaban. Suddenly I felt the same as James.

"You know, we can just tell Lyra they were out alright." I was backing up next to James. Molly was looking at us, dumbstruck. I was going to tell her to just come with us, but it was too late. He walked out of the store.

"So these are the three half-bloods that got my son expelled." His voice was full of malice. He sounded angry, but in a way that none of us had ever heard before. I grabbed Molly's hand and pulled her behind me. James being who he is, stepped in front of us both.

"We just want some candy Marcus, so if you don't mind." James was all of a sudden standing taller. He really was a Gryffindor when it counted.

"I don't think so. First, I think we should all have a little chat." He spat at James and started taking his wand out. I was about to pull James back when someone stepped between Flint and us. 

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